Sexualized violence and the recent debate in Germany
by iwspace We women from the International Women Space won’t accept to be used by the AFD, Pegida, Bärgida, Bürgerwehr or by any other white supremacist troop of racists! The recent incidents in Köln during the new years’ eve are unacceptable. Women were sexually assaulted. The police watched…
Press release by Roma Thüringen concerning the group deportation of December 16, 2015 – Every deportation is a crime
Every deportation is a crime! For several weeks, mass deportations of Romanies and other refugees from so-called ’safe countries of origin‘ have been taking place. The fact that these countries are not safe, in particular for Romanies and other minorities, which been proven by Romany organisation as well…
geflüchtete Menschen werden Nachbarn
Soziale Stadt für Alle – geflüchtete Menschen werden Nachbarn Dass in Berlin Wohnraum fehlt, wissen wir nicht erst, seit Menschen, die vor Hunger, Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Bürgerkrieg und Krieg fliehen, bei uns Schutz und menschenwürdige Lebensbedingungen suchen. In einem der reichsten Länder, einem Land, das mitverantwortlich ist für Krisen und…
European bordezones update
Important: #WeatherAegean: United Rescue issues an IMPORTANT warning for the Aegean Sea: A huge storm is expected Saturday the 16th of January and Sunday the 17th of January which will be a thunderstorm on some of the islands accompanied by high waves. Also, snow is expected to fall…
protocol #16+17 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin
this is our 16+17th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation network” in berlin. again, around 12-15 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. 1. introduction of the network for our new people 2. reports from our weekly lager…
Pressebericht: “Lager Mobilisation Network”
Foto: Unterbringung in der ehemaligen FU Turnhalle, die inzwischen dicht gemacht wurde. „Wenn ich ,Lageso’ nur höre..“ NON-CITIZENS Menschen zu ihren eigenen Konditionen helfen, ohne bevormundend oder gönnerhaft zu sein – wie geht das? Das „Lager Mobilisation Netzwerk“ macht es vor. von SYBILLE BIERMANN Dienstagabend in einem kleinen…
Civil Society 4.0 – Refugees and Digital Self Organization
2016, Mar 03, Thu — 2016, Mar 05, Sat Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin Refugees are also digital trailblazers; the use of smartphones and social media are essential both for their escape and for everyday life in their new homes. For voluntary refugee aids,…
1st broadcast of #Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio (We!R) 10th Jan 8PM
Sunday, January 10th 2016; 8PM: #Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio on reboot.fm on UKW 88,4 MhZ in Berlin and UKW 90.6 MhZ in Potsdam Dear friends! We are happy to introduce you to our first broadcast of #Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio (We!R) This is a radio programm organized by Refugees…