Call for Rally on Wed. (Feb. 24th): acute threat of eviction of radical queer wagonplace Kanal
Just recently we learned from the press that Senat together with the Berlin districts published a list of places where so called „MUF“ (modular shelter for refugees) should be built. The only place on this list where people are living is our home in Kiefholzstraße 74, where a…
Auftaktveranstaltung des Romnja*Power Month 8.März bis 8.April
Wann: Dienstag, 8. März 19:30 – 21:30 Wo: W. Michael Blumenthal Akademie des jüdischen Museums Berlin, Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin RomaniPhen and IniRromnja got together to organize the first Romnja Power Month in Germany, a month full of readings, discussions and Romani feminist knowledge. We are excited to…
Zuerst Willkommen, später auf Nimmerwiedersehen
von Turgay Ulu und Suphi Toprak Hat man in letzter Zeit häufiger die Nachrichten verfolgt, wird man festgestellt haben, dass die „Flüchtlingsthematik” an der Spitze der wichtigsten Tagesordnungspunkte in den europäischen Länder steht. Jedoch wird dabei die Thematik der Geflüchteten mit ihren ganzen Facetten und den eigentlichen Fluchtgründen…
Important information when crossing into Austria and anti-pushback protests in Šid (Serbia)
Via Welcome2Europe: An Austrian police officer officially stated on the TV news which questions are being asked at the Austrian registration center in Spielfeld. 1. What is your final destination? 2. What are you planning to do there? Legal experts advice people not to go into details regarding…
Manifestation against FRONTEX, 23th February
Manifestation against FRONTEX, Fortress Europe and Borders! FERRIES NOT FRONTEX – 23th February 5 pm in front of BCC Berlin In 2015, more than 1.000.000 people actively fought against Fortress Europe by crossing the EU external borders. In reaction to that, the EU and its border agency Frontex…
Demo against Asylum Law Package II on Feb 16th
deutsch unten – francais en bas – Türk – Srpskohrvatski – اردو – العربية 16th February 2016 at 6pm start at LaGeSo (Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin) to Bundestag In the next days the parliament will vote on a new law. This racist law is directed aggressively against refugees. They Asylum…
Video: Emergency shelter in Wiesenstraße throws out Syrian refugee woman at night
Klick HERE for the Press Release which was published few days ago. Watch the video: https://vimeo.com/154353396 International Women Space got to know Viviana when she was still living the emergency shelter (Lager) at the Wiesenstraße, in Wedding, Berlin. On te 29th of January we went to the Notunterkunft…
The Awakening – Film von Kenan Emini
The Awakening, DE/CRO/SRB 2015, 39 min., OmdtUT Ein Film von Kenan Emini