Why We Fight To Stop Deportation By Occupation of Die Linke Party Office in Jena (updated)
Wir haben heute, am 11. Mai, von ca. 15:30 Uhr bis 18 Uhr aus zwei Gründen das Jenaer Parteibüro der Linken besetzt. Erstens wollten wir ein klares Zeichen gegen die Massenabschiebungen von Migrant_innen aus Thüringen und die deutsche Deportationskultur setzen. Jede Abschiebung ist ein Verbrechen und muss gestoppt…
LGBTI Peace Initiative Istanbul transnational solidarity call – Tuesday 10th of May 14.30 pm in front of turkish embassy
Kundgebung / Meeting / Eylem- Call of LGBTI Peace Initiative- Istanbul English: We hereby invite you to join our solidarity action following the transnational “call for peace” from the LGBTI Peace Initiative from Istanbul. The rally will take place next Tuesday, 10th of May, 2.30pm in front of…
Support structures for migrants in Belgrade under attack
Call from NoBorders Hostel collective Comrades, read, share, resist! URGENT:The political management of migrations on the Balkan Route has entered into yet another phase. Ever since the EU-Turkey Deal came into force at the end of March, one of its main parts was the repression targeting both the…
No Stress Tour – New Programme
“The first No-Stress-Tour” – francais en bas, deutsc weiter unten Summer is the time when lots of things are happening in Germany, also in and around Berlin. People profit of the sun, they become more active and open up. This offers opportunities, particular for refugees, to think of…
Voices from Idomeni, a talk with taysir
Deutsch unten… We have made this interview in our journey to greece arround one month ago. We talk with T. Who is living in Idomeni for 40 days. We are interested in the situation in there, resistance of the people behind the borderline and what do they expect…
Refugee Protest Camp Hannover 24.05.2014 – 27.04.2016
Fassen wir kurz zusammen: Nach 23 Monaten und 3 Tagen wurde das Refugee Protest Camp auf dem Weißekreuzplatz in Hannover von der Polizei für beendet erklärt, während auf der anderen Straßenseite grade Verhandlungen mit dem Bezirksbürgermeister über die mögliche Zukunft des Camps liefen. Während am Dienstagabend im Kulturzentrum…
englisch & german below 1 MAYIS MÜCADELE GÜNÜMÜZ 1856 yılında Avustralya’da işçiler, günlük çalışma saatlerinin 8 saate düşürülmesi için eylemler yaptılar. Bir günlük iş bırakma eylemi yaptılar. Eyleme katılım büyük oldu. 1886 yılında Amerikan Emek Federasyonu, günlük 8 saatlik çalışma süresinin 1 Mayıs 1886 yılı itibariyle yasalaştırılması önerisini…
Campaign to Break Deportation Culture and Criminalization of Refugees in Germany and Europe
-In Solidarity with Refugee Community Network Break Deportation Culture – Deportation is criminal and we fight to stop it! European asylum structures and processes ensure that every refugee is criminalized (for some, even before arriving in Europe). This criminalization is promptly and meticulously processed, and is manifested in…
wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio #5
wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio #5 International Refugee Conference in Hamburg I (2016-04-17)