R.I.P. Bashir
by Lampedusa in Berlin Wir trauern um Bashir, der letzte Nacht verstorben ist! We are mourning for Bashir, who passed away last night!
Soliparty für Rom_nja Proteste
Liebe Leute, kommt zur Soliparty in Berlin am Sa.29.10.2016, um 20:00 Uhr in Zielona Gora – Grünbergerstrasse 73. Filmführung “The Awakening” zur Lebensrealität abgeschobener Roma Infos zu den Rom_nja Protesten Konzert Rolling Hopp DJane Plakat in pdf Soliparty for Protests of Romn*ja this Saturday, October 29th in Zieolona…
Ordinary life in the Notunterkunft in Osloer Str. 23-26 #lmg-berlin
Autumn is arriving again to Berlin, and today is a foggy day. It’s not so bad, it could be raining, but as I approach the Lager (migrants camp) in Osloerstr. 28 I realize that Summer has gone and that now the 200 people living in that Sporthalle prefer…
Demo, International, International Refugee Movement, News, Refugee-Struggle, Statements, Support/Solidarity
Demonstration “Free the Röszke 11 – Solidarity with Ahmad and all of the accused
Friday, October 28 // 7:00 PM / 19.00 o´clock Unter den Linden 76 (close to the Hungarian embassy) // Berlin After the hungarian government closed their borders to migrants in September ’15 people started a protest at the border crossing Roeszke which got trapped by police. They caught…
International Women’s Space, Refugee Groups Berlin, Refugee-Struggle, Statements, Support/Solidarity
Solidarity statement to the Protest March 2016 München to Nürnberg from International Women Space, Berlin
by International Women Space We send solidarity greetings to our sisters and brothers on the protest march from Munich to Nürnberg! It feels so good and inspiring to see the videos of this strong, angry and energetic protest! This is a clear reaction to the racist asylum laws…
Soli brunch for non-citizen rise up in Bavaria
Time: Sunday 23 october, 1pm Place: Erreichbar Reichenberger Str. 63a HH, 10999 Berlin (U-Bhf. Görlitzer Bahnhof)
Eviction day at #Bornitzstr102 : the true face of “human rights”, “democracy”, “justice” and “freedom”
Posted originally in abriraqui Yesterday night, I went to visit my friends at #Bornitzstr102, with another friend, somehow I needed to share with someone what the last 2 weeks have been for people at the Lager. When trying to get in, yesterday, the security told me, no they…
Zum aktuellen Konflikt in der Notunterkunft (NUK) Bornitzstrasse 102 in 10365 Berlin Betreiberfirma: Pewobe
ALLE BewohnerInnen der Bornitzstraße haben das Recht auf einen Platz in einer Gemeinschaftsunterkunft, die ihnen v.a. ermöglicht, selber zu kochen und ihr leben mehr zu gestalten. Viele leben schon seit über einem Jahr in dieser Einrichtung, statt „längstens 6 Monate“ (§47 AsylG). Es war ihnen versprochen worden, nach…
Welcome – Solidarity Message to the Refugee Protest March arrival in Nuremberg – The protest Continues in Bavaria
The Protest Continues! Welcome to Nuremberg all the way from Munich dear brothers and sisters, we couldnt all make it to this memorable ocassion of the protest march by activists and suppoters of the protest march of “Refugee Struggle for Freedom: https://refugeestruggle.org/ ” more than 200 Kilometers, which…