Welcome2Stay Arbeitskonferenz 14.01.2017 in Göttingen
Englisch, Arabisch, Farsi & Einfaches Deutsch sowie Anreiseskizze unten! Alle Flyer im Download Liebe Aktive, Wir möchten Euch, Eure Gruppen, Initiativen oder Organisationen zur nächsten Arbeitskonferenz von welcome2stay am 14. Januar 2017 in Göttingen einladen. Die Konferenz dient vor allem der Vorbereitung der Aktionstage, für die wir vom…
Invitation to the 8th March Demo first preparation meeting: 13 Jan 2017, 18:00
Deutsch/Engl./France/Farsi/Spanisch/Polnisch/Türk bellow A call to all women* Refugee women* Activist women* Women* living in camps FLTQI Activists* Working women* Women* with and without migration background anti-racist white women* PoC, Black Women* Invitation to the 1st Demo Preparation Meeting for an internationalist Women* Demonstration on the 8th March 2017!…
Soliparty Stop Deportation Group 14/01
Dear people from Oplatz, Stop Deportation Group is inviting you to our Soliparty at 14/01 from 8pm on at Rauchhaus. We would be very lucky if you could spread it via your channels. Thanks a lot and solidarity greeting Where: Georg von Rauch-Haus Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Kreuzberg e.V.…
VICTORY: Judge Orders Treatment for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Yesterday, Federal Judge Robert Mariani ordered the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections to immediately give Mumia Abu-Jamal the life-saving latest direct-acting antiviral medications that have a 95% cure rate! After a year and a half of constant legal battling, near death hospitalization, and agonizing chronic sickness, Bret Grote of…
About the wind as our companion and the deportation prison in our heads. Looking back on two months of protest
The time has come to take stock of our struggle over the past two months, to know where we have been succesful and where we have lost time. This is the moment of truth. I took part in the demonstration of 07.09.2016 which marked the beginning of our…
3 reasons why the Syrian people left and boycott The “Civil March for Allepo”?
Some days ago the Civil March for Aleppo has started from Berlin. Aiming to walk the whole way through Aleppo, 3000km. They received very big media attention , even though it is clear that this is a impossible march. The behaviour of the organizers depict clearly they come…