Social Center building by refugees, support and neighbours
1. refugees connective line: Support and neighbours and the refugees The ohlauer refugee family sending a new call to supporters and neighbours – kreuzberg-family: The refugee family want to build a new connective line between refugees, support and neighbours to create the international refugee center in ohlauer strasse.
International Refugee Center
Statement to all: by the people from the school (Ohlauer) We are in motion and want to build a real Refugee Center by Refugees for Refugees in the school. That‘s why we started to organize 5 projects: 1. Social Center: We want the Pavilion-Building as an open center.…
Archive of older material
Berlinerinnen und Berliner bleiben offen und solidarisch
link to english translation below! english translation of this statement in protest of Berlin governments discriminatory politics against refugees signed by various cultural institutions
Report from people of #ohlauer school
Ohlauer Infopoint: new time in ohlauer strasse 1- visitor stop 3 week: now no visitors in ohlauer schule illegal action coming from district kreuzberg berlin against free men in ohlauer schule 2. district violence is provocation and aggression against free men in ohlauer schule Ideas of the free…
first S o L i D a R i D a n C e im Jockel
6. November 2014 S o L i D a R i D a n C e im Jockel. Mit tollem Programm: *english below* Die erste SoLiDaRiDanCe-Party Am 06.11. startet die Soli-Party-Reihe im Jockel und ihr seid herzlichst eingeladen mit uns die erste Party zu rocken! Es gibt ein…
video statements against eviction of school on 1 November.
THE FREEUGEE MOVEMENT – The Calling ! (video)
Meeting for refugees discussing about how can group from Germany go to Rome for international meeting