ALMANYA’DA IRKÇILIK NORMALLEŞİYOR Almanya sokaklarında yeni bir ırkçı hareket başladı. Kendilerine “Pegida (vatansever avrupalılar” diyen bu hareket, Dresden şehrinde başlattığı yürüyüşlere onbin kişiyi taşıdılar. Artık her Pazartesi günü bu eylemleri yapıyorlar ve bunu Almanya’nın diğer şehirlerine de taşıyorlar. Bugüne kadar ırkçı hareketler genellikle parmak sayısını geçmeyen bir sayıyla…
Germany: Solidarity with Nikos Romanos
Germany: Solidarity with Nikos Romanos On December 6, 2008 in Athens, when Alexandros Grigoropoulos (15) got killed by police bullets, Nikos Romanos was with him as his best friend. After Alexandros got killed, streets were in fire in Greece. Greek streets are in fire again. Now, it is…
Soliparty Refugee struggle for freedom on Saturday, 20.12.
The group “Refugee Struggle for freedom” http://refugeestruggle.org/ who occupied the TV Tower at Alexanderplatz and the DGB House lately are making a soliparty on next Saturday 20.12 from 7pm in the Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstrasse 32, 12049 Berlin (U-Bahn Hermannplatz) There will be ethiopian food and traditional coffee…
Now support needed for building the new roof on Oplatz/ Unterstützung für das neue Dach am Oplatz gesucht
(deutsch unten) We are looking for people that in the next days also can take part to build a longer time the new roof of the building. Also today on Sunday, or in the next days.May be one or two whole days, from about 10 or 11 clock until sunset. If it´s possible.…
Bündnis gegen Rassismus: Statement zum Tod von Sista Mimi und den Festnahmen von Bewohnern der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule
english below Nicht mal vor einer Trauerfeier machen sie halt Wir sind entsetzt und wütend über die jüngsten Ereignisse rund um die Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule (GHS) und verurteilen das Vorgehen vom Kreuzberger Bezirksamt und der Berliner Polizei aufs Schärfste. Am Morgen des 10.12.14, dem Internationalen Tag der Menschenrechte, drangen Polizei…
*In remembrance of our friend Sista Mimi*
*In remembrance of our friend Sista Mimi* Video (deutsche, sub english): http://bit.ly/1yJuq7V Tagesspiegel: http://bit.ly/1wkGG0l Neues Deutschland: http://bit.ly/1yJursx Today, Saturday, the 13th of December, at 14h we are holding a march for our beloved Sista Mimi who passed away on Wednesday 10th December, 2014. We will start at Oranienplatz…
We are one – against racism and police brutality
Saturday 13.12.2014 at 2pm we are holding a commemomeration march for our beloved Sista Mimi who passed away on Wednesday 10th December, 2014. It is as well the date of the International Human Rights Day. The march will start at Oplatz and end in front of the school…
from iwspace http://bit.ly/1GilGM5
Tagesspiegel: Flüchtling Mimi ist gestorben Ihr Gesicht, ihre Stimme für den Protest
Mimi ist gestorben. Ihr Gesicht, ihre Stimme für den Protest Mimi, das Gesicht der Flüchtlingsproteste in Berlin. Immer in der ersten Reihe. – FOTO: KITTY KLEIST-HEINRICH Mimi, eine der zentralen Figuren der Flüchtlingsproteste in Berlin, ist gestorben. Am Donnerstag gedachten ihrer Unterstützer, Freunde und Anwohner vor der besetzten Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule…