Pressemitteilung zum Refugee Schul- und Unistreik am 24.04.2015
Anlässlich der tragischen Entwicklung, die das Thema Geflüchtete in den letzten Tagen genommen hat, rufen wir, Schüler_innen und Studierende aus Berlin, Frankfurt und Hamburg, das Refugee Schul- und Unistreikbündis Berlin und das Bündnis für ein bedingungsloses Bleiberecht für Freitag, den 24.04.2015 zu einem bundesweiten Aktionstag in Gedenken an…
Our 3 friends from Ohlauer out of Prison
Yesterday the the Berlin Amtsgericht sentenced our 3 friends who lived in Ohlauer School. After more than 4 and a half month in prison the 3 friends could leave the prison yesterday afternoon! All of them got a suspended sentence for about 1 year. They are condemned of…
Hamburg’tan Rostok’a giderken Rostok’a bağlı bir yer olan Güstrow’da bir program gerçekleştirdik. Rostok’la bağlantılı gruplar burada bir buluşma ayarlamışlardı. Burada 50 kişilik bir mülteci grubuyla toplantı yaptık. Mültecilerin hemen hemen hepsi Eritre’li mültecilerdi ve aynı dili konuşuyorlardı. İçlerinden bazıları Arapça yada İngilizce konuşuyorlardı. Dikkat çeken diğer bir özellik…
Political position from Migrant Coordination (Italy): 700 deaths for freedom in the Sicilian channel
Seeing the massacre in the Sicilian Channel, we migrants, on the front lines of the daily struggle against the government of mobility and movement, declare that in the war of borders we side with the women and men who seek freedom. Whatever the reason: escaping war, dictatorial regimes,…
Call for Protest: Disruption of the event with Frontex director of operations Klaus Rösler on 22.04.2015, 6pm
deutsch unten 10 years of Frontex! 10 years of trafficking with bodies! 10 years and thousands of deaths! „To deliver somebody to the risk of death, to augment the risk of death for specific people, or political death, or dispossession, or deportation.” (Michel Foucault) The closing…
“Welcome to one more sexist event” – women’s statement at Oplatz Kundgebung on 18.04.15
statement by internationalwomenspace: // Deutsch untenstehend // Welcome to one more sexist event, where repeatedly you hear the voice of man despite the presence of women. Well, we want to see a change. We want to prove wrong those who tell women we cannot complain because we are…
Refugee School and University Strike on April, 24th
— english below — SCHULSTREIK | 24. APRIL | 11 UHR | ROTES RATHAUS. MAHNWACHE | 15 UHR | EU-VERTRETUNG, Pariser Platz Eine einfache Frage: „Was ist der Unterschied zwischen 6m² und 8m²?“ 6m² … so viel steht einer*m Geflüchteten in Deutschland als Wohnraum zu. 8m² … so…
18.04 Women statement at Oplatz Kundgebung/Konzert
german below Welcome to one more sexist event, where repeatedly you hear the voice of man despite the presence of women. Well, we want to see a change. We want to prove wrong those who tell women we cannot complain because we are equal. No, we are not…
İki aracımızla Hamburg’tan Rostok’a doğru yola çıktık. Yazma işlerini genelde yolda yapıyoruz. Konakladığımız yerlerde de internetten bu yazıları değişik dillerde postalıyoruz. Dün gece Hamburg’ta adını “Gezi Parkı Merkesi” koyan bir binada konakladık. Lampedusa Hamburg mülteci direnişi grubu bizi ağırladı. Zaten bu arkdaşlarımızla önceki eylemlerimizden tanışıyoruz. Burdaki mültecilerden bir…