Demonstration against the worsening of right of residence —- Right to stay for everyone!
**français en bas** ** English below ** —- Demo gegen die Aufenthaltsgesetzverschärfung —- Bleiberecht für alle! Samstag, 13.6.2015 14 Uhr Hermannplatz Route siehe: corasol.blogsport.de
Statement of the GHS regarding the district’s eviction plans and the decision of the Administrative Court
We want to stay in the school, but self-organized! Never try to fool, the people from the school! We, the inhabitants of the Gerhart-Hauptmann-School in Kreuzberg, want to make again clear that we want to stay in that half of the school building that was promised to us…
Sex discrimination in nationality laws around the world
Despite repeated commitments by governments around the world to ensure women’s equality by repealing discriminatory laws, sex discrimination persists, including in citizenship and nationality1 laws. This is damaging to the lives of women and their families. Although there has been some progress, with a number of countries recently…
For women, there are no ‘just wars’
By Soraya L. Chemaly No one wants to go to war. Before we commit soldiers and societies to inevitable sacrifice and atrocities, we try to balance the inevitable harm against the potential good. We seek to make the wars we undertake “just” by applying defined criteria to a scale…
VIDEO: Meet the Spanish Occupy Activist Who Became Mayor of Barcelona
https://www.youtube.com/embed/X0N-tNu6FlQ?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent Democracy Now!: Longtime anti-eviction activist Ada Colau recently became the first female mayor of Barcelona, Spain. She has vowed to fine banks, stop evictions, expand public housing, improve wages, force utility companies to lower their prices and slash the mayoral salary. She has called bankers “criminals” and…
Invitation for open meeting of the alliance for unconditional right to stay on June, 8th at 6.30 pm
Francais en bas English below Einladung für alle Offenes Treffen des Bündnises für bedingungsloses Bleiberecht – Jede_r hat die Möglichkeit, etwas zu verändern! Die bundesweite Aktionswoche vom 13.04. bis 18.04.2015 und die Konzertkundgebung am 18.04., hat der Asylrechtsverschärfung zu mehr Wahrnehmbarkeit verholfen, auch medial, aber wir wünschen…
Demo on June 16th: EU stop killing refugees! -Norway, stop the collaboration with the Sudanese Dictatorship!
Call for Action at the Norwegian embassy in Berlin on June 16th, 1pm Norway collaborates with the Sudanese Dictator Omar Al Bashir to enable him to kill and torture members of the oppositional groups: About one month ago Oslo hosted delegates and members of Omar Al Bashir Militia…
Police release dogs to refugees in their lager in Schwäbisch Gmünd – video report
In their lager a camera was installed in a toilet window , and they closed the toilet. As they protest for having toilet open, come 80 police into the heim and they release the dogs inside the lager. this is what they wrote:
Roma-Aktivistin Radmilla Anic fragt: „Wer will uns zuhören?“
Die Dienstkarte hat sie mitgenommen. Sie ist ein wenig abgegriffen nach den Jahren. Darauf ist ihr Foto zu sehen, unter ihrem Namen steht „Vorsitzende“. Einen Stempel der Organisation gibt es auch, alles wie es sein muss.„Majcina Kolevka“ steht auf der Karte, das heißt „Kinderwiege“ und ist eine Organisation,…