Veranstaltung über den Fall Oury Jalloh am Freitag den 9.9.und am 11.09. in Berlin +++ event about the case Oury Jalloh on friday 9th of sept. and sunday 11th of sept. in Berlin
in english further below Oury Jalloh – Das war Mord – Burnt in a police cell in Dessau, Germany Oury Jalloh starb im Januar 2005 in einer Polizeizelle in Dessau, er verbrannte. Die Polizei behauptet, er hätte sich selbst angezündet, an Händen und Füßen gefesselt auf einer…
Discussion with Mr. X on his film ”Memoire of an Invisible Man” (We!R #?)
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/discussion-with-mr-x-on-his-film-memoire-of-an-invisible-man-wer-part-1/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1][mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/discussion-with-mr-x-on-his-film-memoire-of-an-invisible-man-wer-part-2/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Mr. X and a fellow activist in discussion with We!R Radio about the film “Memoire of an Invisible Man”. The film tells the story of Mr. X, but his identity, and his face, are never revealed in…
Welcome Culture on Tempelhofer Feld (We!R #15)
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/wabf_Empowerment_Radio/wer-15-welcome-culture-on-tempelhofer-feld/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] 3rd of September we went to Schön dass ihr da seid! – Welcome Festival on Tempelhofer Feld and met a lot of people that night, listen to them – talking, dancing, singing!
Beyond protest within the gathering “WITH! Festive workshop series for a co-creative society”, kitev Oberhausen, 7th until 9th of September 2016
Interkultur Ruhr & Refugee Strike Bochum. Please click here
Call out for big Non-Citizen meeting 6.-7. September 2016 in Munich
Non-Citizens, Refugees and Supporters are invited to join us and become part of the movement! The issue of refugee´s struggle was perhaps always injustice; We left out home countries because of having inhuman laws, injustice kingdom systems have broken the system for a common person life. Life is…
Soli Party for Printing Costs for Stop Deportation Comic, 08.09.16
Voices from Idomeni (Movie)
We put together our talks with people who were stucked behind the border in Idomeni. In the summer 2016 there were more than 10000 people stucked behind the border as the Greek government closed the border under the pressure of Germany. People occupied the rail way protesting for…
Spendenaufruf Non-Citizens Treffen München // Call for Donations Non-Citizens Meeting Munich
+++++english below+++++ Halloliebe Freund*innen, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir, Refugee Struggle forFreedom, sind eine selbst organisierter Gruppe, die aus Non-Citizens aus verschiedenen Ländern besteht. Die verschiedenen Situationen in unserenHeimatländern waren Gründen unsere Heimat zu verlassen und Geflüchtete zuwerden. Doch hier in Deutschlandhören unsere Probleme leider nicht auf,…