Berlin News, Lager Mobilization – Wedding, Lager watch, LMNB – Lager Mobilisation Network Berlin, News, Women
Complaint letter about food in Lager at Niedstr 1-2 12159 #Berlin #LMG
Letter received by Lager Mobilisation Group – Berlin Dear all, In Soziale Initiative Niederlausitz e.V. Notunterkunft Niedstr 1-2 12159 Berlin, there is a huge problem with food. Women complained to administration 100 times but they do not listen. Last month a woman tried to kill herself because of…
Wir fordern die Rückkehr von Selami Prizreni nach Deutschland!
von Allebleiben! Liebe Freund_innen und Unterstützer_innen, 16_05_17 Stellungnahme Selami Selami Prizreni wurde heute morgen um fünf Uhr morgens von der Polizei abgeholt, um seine Abschiebung durchzuführen. Die Abschiebung des in Essen geborenen und aufgewachsenen Roms trifft ihn, Familie und Freunde schmerzhaft. Eigentlich hätten wir den Tag…
“This is the voice of freedom” – Interview with Zaki
In February 2016, refugees protested against their planned deportations with a hunger strike in the deportation prison in Mühldorf am Inn (Bavaria). After the fire in one of the cells, the prison authorities answered with banning visits and mails. The following day, one of the inmates was deported…
Reflection: “Fear? Put it! A discussion on fear and how to overcome it in Refugee protest”
Bino Bwansi Byakuleka (Activist, Artist and Radio-Maker), Napuli Paul (Activist and Non-Violence-Trainer), Erez (Activist) and Lisa Doppler (Researcher and Activist) Lisa Doppler: In interviews we did some month ago you, Napuli, talked about the situation in Lagers where a lot of people get aggressive, start to hate everybody…
Yemek Haktır / Essen ist ein Recht
Bizler Halberstadt kampında yasayan mültecileriz. Bütün mülteci kamplarında olduğu gibi yaşadığımız bu kampta da yemekler çok kötü. Yetişkinler olarak bizler ve çocuklarımız bu yemekleri yiyememekteyiz. Dağıtılan bazı gıdaların son kullanma tarihi, verilen tarihten iki ya da üç gün sonra bitmekte. Karnımızı cocuklarımızla birlikte doyurabileceğimiz saglıklı yemekler tüketmek istiyoruz.…
demonstration against deportations to senegal, 5.05.2017, 15-16h, at senegalese embassy
there will be a demonstration tomorrow to protest against deportations from germany to senegal. apparently there has been a deal between the german and senegalese government to deport people very soon. senegalese refugees from bavaria are coming to berlin and journalists will be present. the demonstration will take…
Selber Machen(Kendin Yap) Konferansı Ve 1 Mayıs
1 Mayıs arefesine denk gelen hafta sonunda, Selber Machen(Kendin Yap) adlı konferans düzenlendi. Mülteci Hareketi olarak biz de bu konferansta standımız ve panelimizle yer aldık. Üç gün süren koferansa katılım oldukça kalabalıktı. Panellerde insanlar oturacak yer bulamadı. Yer bulamayan insanlar koridorlarda dinlediler paneli. Radyo sistemiyle konferans; Almanca, İngilizce…
Die Refugee-Bewegung am 1. Mai 2017 in Kreuzberg / The Refugee Movement on 1st of May, 2017 in Kreuzberg
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, lasst uns den revolutionären 1. Mai feiern und weiterkämpfen! Wir laden Euch herzlich zu unseren Ständen rund um das Myfest in Kreuzberg ein. Am Oranienplatz gibt es ab 12 Uhr einen Stand von Aktivist*innen der Bewegung. Napuli Paul Langa und Turgay Ulu werden auch…
Statements from Mobilization4Mumia in Philladelphia USA on the occation of the anniversary of his arrest 35 years ago and his birthday Today, April 24, 2017, Mumia’s Abu-Jamal’s 63rd birthday, there is a court hearing on his PCRA (Post-Conviction Relief Act) petition in the Pennsylvania courts. This is a…