O-Platz lebt! Stand together – for refugee, migrant rights and climate justice

Protest camp 1st-31st of March 2025

O-Platz lebt! Stand together – for refugee, migrant rights and climate justice

Protest camp 1st-31st of March 2025

We come together at O-Platz in March 2025 to fight for the rights of refugees, migrants and climate justice.

We see this month as an opportunity to make our struggle visible by taking space in the middle of people’s daily life. We want to break the isolation and be a place of community, where we have time to connect with each other and organize ourselves. It’s time to give marginalized, minority people the opportunity to speak up and share their story. Together we will listen and educate ourselves and each other on ways to support and protect each other in this system. Furthermore, we will discuss strategies in the fight for a better future which can satisfy the needs and wishes of all humans, as well as the well-being of our planet.

We choose Oranienplatz as our place of resistance due to its history as the site where the movement for refugee rights has been fighting since 2012. Since then, people from all over the world were inspired by the struggle at Oranienplatz, which fought for the freedom of movement, abolition of all lagers, abolition of the Residenzpflicht, to stop all deportations and for the right to work and study. While some successes were reached, much of the progress has been lost in the years since.

Today we see a huge increase in the regulations for deportation. We see how the big political parties like CDU, SPD, Grüne, FDP, BSW are speaking out for fascist ideas of mass deportation, following the course of the right extremist party AFD. We see the police violently beating people protesting on the streets, and  resistance being criminalized. We see how the media is increasingly dehumanizing people of color and making the narrative of “the dangerous migrant”, while ignoring most of the attacks on migrants and femicides happening daily.

They blow up this narrative so much, all the while exporting weapons, committing war crimes and exploiting resources in other countries of the world, especially in the Global South, which is forcing people to leave their homes in the first place.  At the same time multiple other crisis humanity is facing are barely mentioned. The climate crisis is unfolding and the gap between the poor and the rich is growing fast, also increasing poverty all over Germany.

While the climate crisis is still not recognized as a reason to seek asylum, the buildup of Fortress Europe is becoming clearer by the day. If the big political parties follow through with what they are campaigning for in the election, it will mean even more regulations for deportation, even more poverty and militarization and even less effort of stopping the climate crisis and the overuse of the resources of our planet.

We are done following the white men in power driven by money and status and not stopping at any cost. We understand ourselves as a part of the long history of resistance of marginalized people. The time is now to be active and building up a community of struggle where we can counter the fascist policies of the big parties in the following legislative period. Being silent is complicity.

We continue spreading the seeds of resistance and not letting us be divided by the ruling class. We speak up against genocide, against colonization, against apartheid, against the racist and patriarchal system. They are trying to divide us, to make us weak but this won’t work. We will stand together and fight.

Come join us in our month of resistance at Oranienplatz!

WE DEMAND in no particular order:

  1. The closure of all camps in Germany. We fight for better housing solutions and the protection of human rights!
  2. An immediate stop to deportations!
  3. The abolition of the residency requirement!
  4. The abolition of the payment card!
  5. No profit on the backs of refugees!
  6. The recognition of seeking asylum due to climate crisis