Hi there,
NoBorderKitchen at Tsamakia, Mytilene, Lesbos urgently needs support with helping hands(priority no. 1)! Secondary also with money. By today the NBK-Crew will shrink to 4 persons, plus three persons recovering from problems with health an bringen close to a burn-out. They are on stand by. We expect some people to arrive, however we need at least 15 people to keep our kitchen running well. We are happy that we receive big support by the local autonomos movement, however a steady joining of the kitchencrew is also nescessary!
Today until midday another 7 rubberboats crowded with refugees arrived to our Beach a Tsamakia. Our crew is the only one, that receives the refugees arriving also at night. We are needed at this place! Additionaly we find our kitchen in a state of eviction. MSF already had to remove the tree big tents close to our spot. These tents were crowded during the nights by refugees sleeping there and finding shelter from the cold at nights, while waiting for their ferrys to leave. What logic is behind this policy of local authorities?! Instead of focusing in their duties, they prevent a KitchenCrew from receiving refugees on shore, providing dry clothes,blanckets, food and drinks.
Fight all authorities!
Freedom of movement for everyone!
Still squatting our streets. Please take the updates from twitter: @noborderkitchen
cooking-activism beyond borders:
twitter: @noborderkitchen
Mail: noborderkitchen@riseup.net
Infotel. (ger.) : 0049 160 95 10 27 51
Infotel. (greek): 0030 698 340 69 78