Statement held by Bino Byansi Byakuleka akaPatras Bwansi at the rally against Berlin’s racist Bergida mobilizations. Bino Byansi Byakulekais is a member of the African Refugees Union.


It is  negative energy demonstrating the climax point of the illness of racism and Islamophobic hatred within the Germany societies—say! Shame on you GERMANY. This energy (pegida)
is instrumentalized by the main stream. To prove this, the German government without being ashamed continuously keeps on allowing pegida actions and provides them tight securities on their demos. This is a total provocation by the state to us foreigners living in Germany.
They say the Germans are scared, that they have fears that need to be addressed.
But who addresses OUR fears? The fear to be attacked on the street at any moment at any place in Germany? The fear that it is becoming dangerous to live in Germany for people of color and black people?
That is why I want to strongly condemn the government of Germany for its negligence to carryout quick and transparent investigation on cases of everyday brutal racist attacks to us refugees and migrants.
That is why am here today with you on behalf of the ARU demonstrating against the pegida illness of discrimination and hatred against refugees and Muslim migrants.
We must stand strong in solidarity and deconstruct the capitalist and imperialist ideologies of dehumanizing humans by dividing us and keeping us in FEAR.
We must fight together against the political, military, economical and cultural interventions of EU member states in the refugee home countries. Likewise we demand the right to free choice of residence, the complete abolishment of lagers, to stop all deportations. We demand the German government to change the brutal asylum laws and migration policies.
We as ARU say no to Frontex.
We expect the European Union to take over responsibility for the constant mass murder and killings in the Mediterranean and give back the Nobel Peace Price from 2012 .
We demand the EU member states to commission an independent Mediterranean sea rescue company and to initiate a radical change in foreign and migration policies concerning border controls.
However, this is not a natural but a constructed development, because it is rooted in the evolution of imperialism as an ideological concept, which in turn is rooted in the systematic dehumanization of other humans ‐ the black and coloured people, the refugees, women, children, LGBTIQ people, disabled and homeless, workers, jobless, prisoners and sex workers‐ in short all the powerless people suffer most from the results of FEAR. As a consequence the majority of the population have to face daily oppression, enslavement, and discrimination.
Now the question is: How to deal with FEAR?
As Nelson Mandela say! “The brave man or woman is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
I believe that we are human beings, who are born free. Therefore we must free ourselves
again. It is possible to overcome FEAR and liberate ourselves from this bondage if each and every
one tries to reflect on his or her own personality within and in relation to the outside world, no matter what kind of gender, race, nationality, religion, education, and status they have. For me FEAR
creates a situation that can only be countered by the analyzing and realizing of the facts and
secondly by educating oneself. Therefore for the oppressed and discriminated people there is a big need to join hands and work together. That is why I say: “my right is your right!” My right to walk,
my right to act, my right to love. We are born free!