Let’s Unite – The REFUGEE is the movement and our Community is our defense in Europe: The “VOICE” Declaration on Protest March

The Voice Refugee Forum declaration on Protest March Munich to Nuremberg“The REFUGEE is the movement and our Community is our defense in Europe”
by Osaren Igbinoba of The VOICE Refugee Forum.

The REFUGEE is the movement and our community is our defense! The struggles of the refugees to organize in communities are a strategic and political move to ensure a participatory and representative position within and outside, in any progressive grassroot movement.

We are now in the belly of the monster. They want us to become their soldiers, to make them more powerful in their colonial systems. We know why we are here and we will never forget the people we have left behind in our homelands. We are in solidarity especially with those who are still on the the other side of the borders, fighting against terrible conditions only to survive one more day.

We are calling for the stop of all deportations and for freedom of movement for all.

The ongoing protest march is not the first organized by the „Refugee struggle for freedom“ and will not be the last refugee protest march in Bavaria. This protest will go a long way to empower the resistance of refugees in Bavaria as it strengthens our self-determination and makes our unity visibility in the refugee communities nationwide.

The refugee community is in movement and as we network together, we find immediate solution to problems. Through our coordinated protests and engagements let us work to unite and organise ourselves!

Those who are presently destroying our homelands are those who claim they are giving us shelter and residence! Those who are splitting, dividing our societies and provoking wars between our people, now are those who claim integrating us to their society! They claim that they are generous? People with material wealth are not generous, else they won’t be rich. Only the poor are generous, for they know what it means to have nothing.

We call on refugees to distance themselves from the pro-states institutions, organisations and political parties who feed and comfort themselves from the miseries and plights of the refugee. These networks have one thing in commom: they unite to depoliticize the struggles of activists within the movement. We know them when they call for a humanitarian solution while calling for and supporting massive deportations and isolation of refugees.

In reality they are keeping their deportation sword over our heads. They are also dividing us to “good” or “bad”, and “deserved” or “not deserved” refugees. They have still more tricks; they talk about the danger of Pegida and islamists, a prototype of the war produced by the very act of their system in Middle-east and Africa.

They expect us, the marginalized masses, to forget what they are really doing, tricking us into a schism with some of us being given better positions under their rule.

Our protests are more than 2 decades now and our resilience and resolve is unstoppable. For many years, we have shown our anger and without this, we would not have witnessed some changes although minimal in our treatment as humans. Since the defacto abolition of the 1993 rights for asylum in Germany, there have never been changes without struggles from the refugee communities. The refugee struggles built on the demand for justice cannot be completed without us the refugees and the community activists in the society.

Now, we are witnessing once more the refugee community in Bayern „REFUGEE STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM“, on the move from 8.-21.October this year, from Munich towards Nürenberg (the head quarter of the Federal Office for Migration in Germany). We are joining and calling on other refugees to unite in this protest to realise the refugee demands the for unconditional residence and open border, in protest against the unhuman conditions under which we live.

This is a protest march and a way to bring us together because our unity is our power. When we come together we find out all of us suffer from the same pain. We can exchange our experiences and we can organize our unity.

Come to this march or support it in your localities and by your words. Freedom and dignity are never going to be given to us as a present, we can have them through our collective struggles.

The VOICE Refugee Forum on behalf of: Refugee – Migrants community platform
Erklärung: Schließen wir uns zusammen: Der FLÜCHTLING ist die Bewegung und unsere Gemeinschaft ist unsere Verteidigung in Europa

We are mobilizing more refugees to join and welcome the protest march in Landshut on 12.10.2016 http://thevoiceforum.org/node/4250

We demand for unconditional Residence – Stop all deportations – For Freedom of Movement!!!March starts on 8th October in Munich to end on 21st October in Nuremberg
Statement of The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria: In solidarity with protest march from Munich to Nuremberg in 2016 http://thevoiceforum.org/node/4248

Wir verlangen ein bedingungsloses Residenzrecht – Stopp aller Abschiebungen – Für Bewegungsfreiheit!! Der Marsch beginnt am 8.Oktober in München und endet am 21. Oktober in Nürnberg
Stellungnahme von The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria: In Solidarität mit dem Protestmarsch # München nach Nürnberg 2016 http://thevoiceforum.org/node/4249