Cultural evening with drum performance, solidarity barbecue, T-shirts and more
Political discussion and party
Dear friends and enemies, we invite you to our evening due to take place on the above mentioned date at Jockel Garten, Ratiborstr. The evening is designed for refugee existing groups and other solidarity groups based in Berlin and Brandenburg. All invited groups and Individuals will have a platform to introduce themselves and exchange ideas. We want to have an open discussion on the refugee struggle and possible actions against the new asylum laws. How can we make the movement more visible and strong again after the eviction of Oranienplatz camp and school. We want to plan the program for the day and therefore we request you to send us your topics to discuss.
Please! For more information contact: aru1884info@gmail.com for English speakers, or donnersoli@gmail.com for German speakers.
Date & time: 6th of August 2015, 4.30 p.m
Location: Jockel Biergarten, Ratiborstraße 14C, 10999 Berlin, Bus M29, Station Glogauerstr.⇓