Tue 27th October at Friedelstr. 54, at 8PM (close to U8 and U9, Hermannplatz), discussion will start at 9PM

“Migration” – the things media won’t tell you. Exactly because in the media there’s nothing but talk about “migrants flooding in” we want to tell you the story from our point of view.
Each day there are dozens of media reports on refugees and we are being described in terms of ‘flood waves’ and other natural desasters. This evening we want to share with you our perspective on leaving one’s place and going somewhere else.
tue 27th October at Friedelstr. 54 (close to U8 and U9, Hermannplatz). Food at whatever you can pay price will be ready at 8PM, discussion will start at 9PM sharp.
Jeden Tag sind duzende Artikel zum Thema Flucht in den Medien.
Mit Begriffen wie “Flut” und “Welle” wird über uns Geflüchtete berrichtet.
Wir wollen an diesem Abend unsere Perspektiven auf Flucht und Migration mit euch teilen.