future developing all together

1. Participation of all together!
Communication with each other – neighbours, german family and refugees
The refugee family have found paticipation of one another will help to grove so many new actions and activities to help refugees and berlin family and german foundation all connective to decide together.

2.  community and actions
All berlin communtiy being here in germany to know: the first problem the refugee family here in ohlauer strasse is facing is be reproched by the government to come to action and solution as normal to be legal in germany and we follow the law like every men and women.
The district have wrote to the refugee family: they have to be like every men and women in germany – legal. That means pay tax and coming to the point to rent the place.
That’s why the refugee family have come to communicate and action calling organisations and associations and all of kind men and women and children to found a solution together with the refugee family: how the place can be rent and together in one the refugee family and the berlin family to build a new culture and to show a new image of refugee and to bring more feeling.

3. How to organise together
At the moment to find a solution for the charge give by the government as normal.
To organise all together: first we have clean the builing and the place together – the refugee family in ohlauer strasse call everyone to help and participate.

The refugee family inviting neighbours, supporters and berlin family to participate in a meeting that will be annouced tomorrow!

from @OhlauerInfo http://bit.ly/1DSZyEU