Every day, companies are profiting from the neocolonial and racist migration regime with its borders, surveillance and deportations. The offices and headquarters of such companies can be found right in the heart of Berlin. Nevertheless, barely anyone draws attention to that, while the German government tries to disguise and hide their deportation and weapon deals with these companies. We want to change that!
On 17th of April, we will visit each of their offices in a demonstration against Border and Deportation Profiteers through Berlin-Mitte. Let’s expose and confront them – their dirty business model has to stop now!
On our route, we will publicly shame Thales, Hensoldt, the Association of the German Army, Sopran Steria and all the others that are flying people to death, construct border fences and participate in other sorts of racist business, to then even make money with it.
Abolish borders, abolish Frontex, put an end to deportations, tear down Fortress Europe – freedom of movement for everybody!
Background info on companies:
THALES: Sells border surveillance systems, including radar for border police. Thales has profited from most borders in the world.
HENSOLDT: Formerly known as Airbus Border Security division, focusing now on ground surveillance radar, mostly used for border and coastal surveillance.
FÖRDERKREIS DEUTSCHES HEER: Lobby organisation for German army with representatives in the parliament and the economic sector.
SOPRA STERIA: IT software company responsible for designing EUs’ border database systems that track and share fingerprints, facial imaging, visas’ entry/exit.