Category: We are born free! Empowerment Radio (We!R)

  • Discussion with Mr. X on his film ”Memoire of an Invisible Man” (We!R #?)

    [mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1][mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Mr. X and a fellow activist in discussion with We!R Radio about the film “Memoire of an Invisible Man”. The film tells the story of Mr. X, but his identity, and his face, are never revealed in it. Mr. X is a West-African asylum…

  • Welcome Culture on Tempelhofer Feld (We!R #15)

    [mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] 3rd of September we went to Schön dass ihr da seid! – Welcome Festival on Tempelhofer Feld and met a lot of people that night, listen to them  – talking, dancing, singing!

  • News from Ohlauer School (We!R #13)

    News from Ohlauer School (We!R #13)

    [mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1][mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Our guests in the studio today: Alnour, El Tayib, Amdi and Younous from the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse in Kreuzberg. Last week the district announced again the eviction of the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse and we invited our friends and neighbors, who…

  • OPRE ROMA! Roma are here to stay! – radio liveshow & discussion, 17.07. (We!R#?)

    [mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]Part 1: Livebroadcast from the show –  Interviews with Alnour (Sudanese Activist from Ohlauer School), Kefaet Prizreni aka K-Flow (Roma Art Action Essen), Bino Byansi Bjakuleka (wearebornfree!Empowerment Radio)  & music from “RollinHopp” & “Inclusion 4 Real” [mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]Part 2: Livediscussion with Victor von Dom (Initiative “Alle…

  • Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio #6 Women* Space is Everywhere!

    June 12th, 5pm-10pm, Waldemarstr. 46, 10999 Berlin about: 3 months ago refugee and migrant women* occupied the main stage of the International Refugee Conference in Hamburg. We talked about the motivation behind this political intervention and its consequences. What is refugee women’s* role in the movement and how can we build links between feminist and refugee…

  • Women* Space is Everywhere! – Radioliveshow & Discussion

    come and join ‘Women* Space is Everywhere! – Radioliveshow & Discussion’ June 12th, 5pm-10pm, Waldemarstr. 46, 10999 Berlin about: 3 months ago refugee and migrant women* occupied the main stage of the International Refugee Conference in Hamburg. We want to talk about the motivation behind this political intervention and its consequences. What is refugee women’s*…

  • Alle Sinti und Roma bleiben! All Sinti and Roma stay! – Demonstration am 3. Juni 2016 (in German!)

    [mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] “Deutschland ist seiner historischen Verantwortung gegenüber den Sinti und Roma und ihren Nachkommen nicht gerecht geworden….” Demonstration “Alle Sinti und Roma bleiben” am 3. Juni 2016, Alexanderplatz, Berlin bis zur Dauermahnwache vor dem Denkmal für die im Holocaust ermordeten Sinti und Roma. Redebeiträge und Infos von wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio…

  • Occupation of the Roma and Sinti Memorial in Berlin by Roma Families

    [mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1] Two broadcasts of ‘We Are Born Free! Empowerment Radio’ on the occupation of the ‘Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism’     Statement by one of the protesters at the Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism (auf deutsch weiter unten) We,…

  • wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio #5

    wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio #5

    wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio #5 International Refugee Conference in Hamburg I (2016-04-17)

  • We Are Born Free! Empowerment Radio #3 Carnival Al Ladjin! (2016 – 03 – 06)

    #Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio (We!R) is a radio of, for and by Refugees, Friends and Enimies to empower each other. It serves as a platform for refugees and other marginalized Humans like women, children, LGBTIQ, Black people and People of Color and others. We!R will also be a network to reach those we cannot reach through…