Category: Videos
Support in front of lager in Bornitzstr. Berlin
Update by abriraqui 122 people in #Bornitzstr. Lager are not receiving food since Thursday. Today a group of volunteers went to the Lager to give warm food outside here a short video taken: Giving food at Bornitzstr102 Lager – Berlin from abriraqui Update Monday, 10.10.2016 At Bornitzt Lager people were asked to go to…
Protest March Munich to Nuremberg
8th of October 2016, Munich 33th day at Sendlinger Tor 1st day on Protest March We need your financial support for our protest march from Munich to Nürnberg – read more about it on our web page: Spendenkonto: Account name: Refugee Struggle for Freedom BIC: GENODEM1GLS IBAN: DE 97 4306 0967 8229 1322 00…
Another day at Lager in Bornitzstr 102. Waiting the police
from abriraqui In the post from yesterday I was saying that maybe today (07.10.2016) in the morning they police would come and proceed with the eviction. It didn’t happen, but it does not mean anything. Early morning the employers from PeWoBe knocked at the door of people’s room asking them to move, to go out…
Leftvision: Protests of Non-Citizens at Sendlinger Tor in Munich (Video)
The conditions for Non-Citizens in Germany are bad – but the Non-Citizens speak out! In Munich is protesting on the road since early September. The demands: receiving asylum, stop deportations, better accommodation.
Voices from Idomeni (Movie)
We put together our talks with people who were stucked behind the border in Idomeni. In the summer 2016 there were more than 10000 people stucked behind the border as the Greek government closed the border under the pressure of Germany. People occupied the rail way protesting for opening of borders. They have got attacked…
Demo So. 10.07.2016, 14:00 Uhr, Berlin Abschiebungen von Roma stoppen!
Nachkommen von Völkermord-Opfern Schutz und Lebensperspektive bieten – Bleiberecht für alle Rom*nja !
Refugee Schul- und Unistreik! 27. April, 11 Uhr, S-BHF Gesundbrunnen
Supported mal kräftig den @SchulstreikBln und macht Mobi für den (bundesweiten) #Schulstreik am 27. April! Seit über einem Jahr ist der Rassismus in der Offensive. Eine rechte Bewegung wächst explosiv. Die rassistische AfD fordert den Schießbefehl auf Geflüchtete und bekommt bei Landtagswahlen bis zu 24%! Zehntausende gehen für fremdenfeindliche Forderungen auf die Straße. Rassistische…
Roma Community Rise Up! – Break Deportation Culture
Roma Communities are most Isolated group of Refugees in lager in Germany. They are facing discrimination, isolation, criminalization and deportation daily by government and constitutions. The Roma Community Thüringen start it own activities since months for self empowerment and break isolation. Deportation is criminal and We fight to stop it! by THE VOICE Refugee Forum – Community Network In the past weeks and months, many Rromany families have been deported to so-called safe countries of origin,…
LAIL’S DONATION POT: Party at Fischladen in Berlin, 25. March 2016
GIVE FOR A PATH TO FREEDOM AND SAFETY. A MATTER OF SURVIVAL. [Syria –> europa] . we need to be fast. Our friends/ A mother, a father and a baby/ are trying to escape the danger. Wanted for not supporting the massacre that surround them, wanted for refusing to serve in the army of Bashar…
Refugee Radio Awerness Network
Refugee Radio Awareness Network is a independent social Initiative Committed to human rights and human development. we believe that encouraging human rights connecting people and cultures through powerful stories will affect positive change in the world by creating and distributing content on radio stations and through digital platforms, inviting people to contribute their voices ,…