Category: Uncategorized
Abschiebung ausgesetzt! Haftbefehl aufgehoben! Danke! und bitte weiter dranbleiben!
4. Nov. 2014 — Liebe Freund_innen und Unterstützer_innen, heute kam die erfreuliche Information, dass das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge Ali Mohamed einen Aufenthalt wegen des Vorliegens eines Abschiebehindernisses (Gefahr für Gesundheit) gewähren will. Jetzt warten wir noch auf die amtliche Bestätigung und die Papiere für Ali. Bis dahin informiere ich hier noch weiter. Vielen Dank…
Peace rally from Indian to Pakistan Embassy
Peace rally from Indian to Pakistan Embassy Tuesday 21.10.2014 12 am – Tiergartenstr. 17 (Postdamer Platz) Peaceful protest against military aggresion of India on Pakistani population at the border in Kashmir. Bordering villages suffered of the human loss. Recently, Indian bombardment martyred and injured lot of civilians. Due to such terrible conditions, people were forced…
this sunday's meetings on Oranienplatz
Sonntag Treffen auf dem Oranienplatz: 15h Open Political Refugee Café – 2 Jahre Oranienplatz & Bewegung – gemeinsam reflektieren 17h Treffen zur Schule (Ohlauer) – Akute Räumungsgefahr – Bezirk setzt Auszugsfrist für Ende Oktober Demo: Trans*marsch startet 15h Jannowitzbrücke und läuft nach Kreuzberg ———————————————————– Sunday Meetings at Oranienplatz 3pm Open Political Refugee Café – 2…
OHLAUER OKULUNA ULTİMATOM VERİLDİ Ultimatom genelde savaş ortamlarında kullanılan bir kavram. Bizim bildiğimize göre şu anda Kobane’de faşist saldırılar ve ultimatomların bu faşist saldırılara karşı verilmesi gerekirken, Almanya’da DGB sendikasının tepesindeki bürokratlar bize ultimatom veriyorlar. Ya devletin çeşitli kurumları, mülteci grevi hareketine karşı sık bir biçimde ultimatom veriyorlar. Daha önce binlerce polisle yapılan boşaltma operasyonunda…
call for translators
Refugee Strike Berlin is looking for people who can translate!!! Dear all, to give everyone from and around the Refugee Protest access to informations and discussions, and because everyone should have have the possibility to express oneself in a language s_he feels comfortable in, we want to build up a reliable translation structure. Therefore we…
refugee's football match at Babelsberg – meeting point and how to go there
going together to Babelsberg 03 refugee football match. Meeting point 11 AM at Oranienplatz, 18.10. free tickets for train ride provided here’s a description how to get to the football stadium in Babelsberg but don´t forget: It´s easier to meet at Oplatz, 11 AM and go there together! Despite the strike in the regional…
Open Political Refugee Cafe – 19th of October
Open Political Refugee Cafe – 19th of October Join the discussion, this sunday 3 pm: 2 years Oranienplatz & Movement – Time to reflect together spread the word KEEP UP THE FIGHT! ————————————————— Offenes Politisches Refugee Café – 19. Oktober Kommt zur Diskussion diesen Sonntag um 15 Uhr: 2 Jahre Oranienplatz & Bewegung – Zeit…