Category: Statements
Press Statement of the Associaton of Bridging Peoples to Trump’s Travel Ban 1.2.2017
Trump’s order is a big danger for refugees as well as for human rights. We are genuinely horrified and worried on the first 10 days of Government of the new US president. We condem Trump’s executive order. The USA is mainly responsible from the chaos in the Middle East, in the Africa and in the…
NON aux expulsions au Mali – NEIN zu Abschiebungen nach Mali
Appel en fracais Aufruf in Deutsch Appel du Group Djekafo: Nous sommes malien(ne)s, nous sommes africain(e)s!!!!!! Arretez de rapatrier nos frères et de signer des laissez-passer!!! Manifestation le 31/01/17, à 14h, devant l´ambassade du Mali à Berlin, Kurfürstendamm 72 / Adenauerplatz Chèr(e)s ami(e)s, les circonstances nous obligent à prendre notre destin en main sans les…
La voix de la Résistance Tchadienne en collaboration avec le secrétaire exécutif du front national pour la démocratie et la liberté au Tchad.
Deutsch English Nous avons une continuité du soulèvement de la masse et de révolte populaire qui avaient permis à tous les Tchadiens d’accéder aux pouvoirs par les urnes au Tchad. Malheureusement les problèmes restent irrésolus et vont de jours aux jours de mal en pire. La voix de la résistance est créée pour libérer le…
VICTORY: Judge Orders Treatment for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Yesterday, Federal Judge Robert Mariani ordered the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections to immediately give Mumia Abu-Jamal the life-saving latest direct-acting antiviral medications that have a 95% cure rate! After a year and a half of constant legal battling, near death hospitalization, and agonizing chronic sickness, Bret Grote of the Abolitionist Law Center and attorney Robert…
About the wind as our companion and the deportation prison in our heads. Looking back on two months of protest
The time has come to take stock of our struggle over the past two months, to know where we have been succesful and where we have lost time. This is the moment of truth. I took part in the demonstration of 07.09.2016 which marked the beginning of our protest actions not only as a member…
3 reasons why the Syrian people left and boycott The “Civil March for Allepo”?
Some days ago the Civil March for Aleppo has started from Berlin. Aiming to walk the whole way through Aleppo, 3000km. They received very big media attention , even though it is clear that this is a impossible march. The behaviour of the organizers depict clearly they come from a social enterpreuner circle, in which…