Category: Refugee-Struggle
Opening of the exhibition “We will Rise”
On 7 August the exhibition and archive “WE WILL RISE” Has started in the “FHXB Museum”, Afterwards we walked through kreuzberg and visited Oranienplatz and
Info point at Oplatz: Come and support!
Dear all! The info point at Oplatz is working again!! Every day from 3pm until 9pm there are activists at Oplatz to inform about the refugee protest and to show that Oranienplatz is still a political space of the refugee protest. Please support and TAKE SHIFTS from 3-6pm or 6-9pm: you can find a shift…
6.7 – Cultural evening, Political discussion and party by ARU
Cultural evening with drum performance, solidarity barbecue, T-shirts and more Political discussion and party Dear friends and enemies, we invite you to our evening due to take place on the above mentioned date at Jockel Garten, Ratiborstr. The evening is designed for refugee existing groups and other solidarity groups based in Berlin and Brandenburg. All…
DGB-Besetzung: erster Strafbefehl vom Gericht eingetroffen
hallo, ich habe heute einen brief vom berliner amtstgericht bezüglich der DGB-besetzung (anfang oktober 2014) durch die gruppe “refugee struggle for freedom” [1] und deren räumung durch die berliner polizei [2-3] erhalten; mir wird der vorwurf des widerstandes gegen die polizei gemacht, der wahr ist; die monitäre bestrafung dieser politischen aktion wurde auf 375€ festgesetzt.…
protestcamp on Theaterplatz, Dresden: Declaration of the non-citizens of the „refugee struggle Dresden“
Why we put up the protest camp at Theaterplatz, Dresden: Dresden’s protest camp is sure that Saxony’s government does not want to take any responsibility towards the non-citizens’ situation. That is why we decided to bring our protest to the streets and demonstrate here. We believe that Saxony’s government had enough information and time to…