Category: Refugee Groups Berlin

  • Stop Deporation Demo in Berlin, 22.10.2016, 14 Uhr

    (English text below) Wir rufen für den 22. Oktober 2016 zur Demonstration auf! ABOUT: Stop Deporation – stoppt Abschiebungen nach Pakistan, stoppt Dublin-III-Abschiebungen nach Ungarn, stoppt alle Abschiebungen! START: Berlin, U-Bhf Turmstrasse, WANN: 22.10.2016, TIME: 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr Die Berliner Initiative „Stop Deportation Group“ solidarisiert sich mit pakistanischen Flüchtlingen und mit Flüchtlingen die von…

  • Ahmed musste ausreisen (video) 

    by Lampedusa Berlin Fünf Jahre lang hat der Nigerianer Ahmed in Deutschland gelebt, eine Ausbildung gemacht, Deutsch gelernt. Dann bekam er die Ausreiseaufforderung. Ein Filmteam hat ihn begleitet. Vor einem Jahr trafen die Filmemacher Tim Hamelberg und Ben Glitschka zum ersten Mal den geflüchteten Nigerianer Ahmed in Berlin. Im Video-Interview erzählte er, welche Hindernissen er…

  • Lomnava events with No Stress Tour in lagers

    Lomnava events with No Stress Tour in lagers

    During the summer 2016, from june to september Lomnava band have been doing No stress tour in several lagers in and outside Berlin. We visited people and organised different events, like Workshop  for kids, concerts, football and volleyball matches…In Spandau, Storkowerstr., Lichtenberg people responded in a positive way, they show big enthusiasm and they were…

  • The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!

    The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!

    Dear people from all over the world, this is the second issue of the newspaper >Daily Resistance< (Read it as a PDF)! It is written by people in the same position like you as so-called refugees who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to…

  • Pressekonferenz Refugee Club Impulse

    Der Refugee Club Impulse ist ein Zusammenschluss von Geflüchteten und nicht Geflüchteten Kunstschaffenden, der kulturelle Bedürfnisse, Fähigkeiten und Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten von Geflüchteten selbst, kollektiv und basisdemokratisch organisiert und realisiert werden. Unsere Grundlage ist das gemeinsam erarbeitete Manifest: Nobody gives us a Voice – we take it! Der Refugee Club Impulse hat ein Koordinationskomitee das paritätisch von…

  • Offener Brief Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Heilig Kreuz – Passion in Berlin-Kreuzberg

    Eine Veranstaltung am 8.4.2016 „Integrationsunterstützung der Evangelischen Kirche” in der Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche gab Anlass für Lampedusa im Berlin offener Brief an die Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Heilig Kreuz – Passion in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Lampedusa Berlin

  • The first issue of the newspaper ›Daily Resistance‹ is now out!

    The first issue of the newspaper ›Daily Resistance‹ is now out!

    It is a newspaper published and written by people, so-called refugees, who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to reach out to people who are in the same situation. It will be published on a continuous basis. Read the Newspaper-PDF. (You can find the…

  • Stop the war on migrants! Remembering Ceuta in struggle

    Sit-in at Checkpoint Charlie: Stop the war on migrants Saturday, February 6th, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. Checkpoint Charlie, Friedrichstr. 43–45 Subway: U 6 Kochstraße, U 2 Stadtmitte Bus: M 29 Kochstraße Conference: Saturday, February 6th, 6 – 9 p.m. Mehringhof Versammlungssaal, Gneisenaustr. 2a Organizers: Voix des Migrants, URBB (Union des Réfugié-es de Berlin-Brandenbourg), Refugee…

  • 6.7 – Cultural evening, Political discussion and party by ARU

    6.7 – Cultural evening, Political discussion and party by ARU

    Cultural evening with drum performance, solidarity barbecue, T-shirts and more Political discussion and party Dear friends and enemies, we invite you to our evening due to take place on the above mentioned date at Jockel Garten, Ratiborstr. The evening is designed for refugee existing groups and other solidarity groups based in Berlin and Brandenburg. All…

  • Demonstration against Human Rights violations in Chad Against the dictatorship and capitalist exploitation!

    On the 8 th of March in N‘Djamena, the capital city of Chad, peaceful demonstrators who were fighting for their right of assembly and freedom of speech, again had to face harsh violations of human rights including police violence: humiliations, beatings and killings. While the western media has virtually acclaimed the Chadian military as a…