Category: Oplatz
Info point at Oplatz: Come and support!
Dear all! The info point at Oplatz is working again!! Every day from 3pm until 9pm there are activists at Oplatz to inform about the refugee protest and to show that Oranienplatz is still a political space of the refugee protest. Please support and TAKE SHIFTS from 3-6pm or 6-9pm: you can find a shift…
Oplatz: Open letter to district and senate
Today the Senate of Berlin and the District Council Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg ordered the removal of the info-point container at Oranienplatz. But be aware: YOU CANNOT EVICT A MOVEMENT! Open letter to the Berlin Senate and Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg District Council (francais en bas – deutsch unten) Date 13.07.2015 As you know, “The House of the 28…
exhibition / exposition / Ausstellung – 16.7. – 25.7.
Open every day 9am – 9pm / ouvert chaque jour 9 – 21 heures / Öffungszeiten jeden Tag 9-21 Uhr for free – Eintritt frei- gratuit WE WILL RISE كُلّه ما تَمامْ Exhibition and Archive in Progress / Ausstellung und Archiv im Prozess / Exposition et archives en cours المعرض والأرشيف لحركة احتجاجات الاجئين –…
Fatou Diome: Migration to Europe as Freedom and Emancipation! Reading & Discussion
Event information (french translation further below) Date 15.07.2015, 18:00 – 21:00 Location Oranienplatz, 10999 Berlin „Migration is not only about poor, exploited people. It also includes people who leave to emacipate themselves, who leave in the name of liberty – and for a number of other reasons.“ Fatou Diome The great Senegalese writer Fatou Diome will reflect upon flight…
Meeting at Oplatz, about Oplatz this friday (10.7.) from 6 onwards with coffee and tea
Dear friends On the evening of 6-7-2015 the police came to Oplatz because the Roma family put sleeping bags inside the container at Oplatz, the police said with that reason we are going to remove the container and they also said that the movement does not exist any more. So what does that mean to us…
This week: Day X – Stop the tightening of the asylum law / Diese Woche: Tag X – Asylrechtsverschärfung stoppen / Cette semaine: Jour X – Stop le durcissement du droit d’asile
2. Juni 2015 / Berlin* Demonstration zum Bundestag / 14.00 / Willy Brandt Haus / mehr Infos Demonstration to the Bundestag/ 2 pm/ Willy Brandt House/ more information <> —————————————————————————————————————————- The tighteneing of the asylum law will be adopted this week in Bundestag. There will be actions nationwide. 1st and 2nd of July in Berlin!…
Tonight reading with Bino aka Patras, Turgay Ulu and Lydia Ziemke
Bino and Lydia will read from the book My name is Bino Byansi Byakule! Turgay and friends will present the Movement magazine. Join us for the first part of the movement readings tonight 8PM Kottbusser Tor to the right of Cafe Kotti up on the Gallery! And have a good time.
Boat action of Lampedusa in Berlin against broken oplatz agreement of Henkel
Protestaktion von sog. Lampedusa-Flüchtlingen vor der Innenverwaltung Berlin. Die Refugees werden seit dem Verlassen des Oranienplatzes vor mehr als einem Jahr vom Berliner Senat trotz Zusagen und Vereinbarungen brutal im Stich gelassen . Ohne die engagierte Unterstützung und Hilfe einiger evang. Kirchenkreise wäre das Überleben dieser Flüchtlingsgruppe in Berlin überhaupt nicht mehr möglich. Da sich…
From Boé to Berlin workshop, guided tour, screening and discussion
Sunday, May 31 3 pm contribution to the workshop Mobility, 12 – 6 pm at Arsenal Cinema (Potsdamerstr. 2) 7 pm critical guided tour to Oranienplatz departs from Arsenal Cinema 9 pm screening at Prinzessinnengarten (Prinzessinnenstr. 15, am Moritzplatz) In 2014 a mobile cinema traveled through Guinea-Bissau screening recently digitised footage from a Guinean film…
İNSEL 36 BİR ADA HİKAYESİ ORANİENPLATZ Mülteci otobüs turu 2015’i tamamladıktan sonraki gün, yeniden iki kişilik delege olarak Göttingen şehrine gittik. Dün Göttingen’de bir film gösterimi vardı. Bu filmden sonra yapılacak tartışma programı için davet edilmiştik. Filmin adı İNSEL 36 (ADA 36) idi. İnsel 36, bizim direniş kampımız olan Oraninplatz’ı konu edinen bir film. Filmin…