Category: Oplatz
the message: from and for lovers
the following is a direct translation: u know there is no wrong if we all write in the language of love. we are one.
The Refugee Guide Berlin is out!
The Sleeping Place Orga Group has just created a print and digital version of the Refugee Guide Berlin in English. About: This booklet is made for you – refugees living in Berlin, with or without papers, especially for those, who have just arrived and need some orientation. It will help you to get information on…
Oplatz construction political campaign > Call for support
[Deutsche Version unten] Dear all, we would like to revive the Oplatz as soon as possible and organize the construction of a boat-like-infopoint-building – to be present and visible again as a refugee movement and to have a safe space for refugee-/activists to meet, get informed, get involved in political action. As you can read…
Flüchtlingen helfen und dann? Discussion meeting at Mehringhof, October the 5th, at 7 p.m.
(german text below) Hello everybody, we invite initiatives and individuals to our open meeting tomorrow, Monday October the 5th, at 7PM, at Mehringhof, Gneisenaustraße 2a, in Berlin Kreuzberg. We want to discuss about the question, what comes after the big wave of solidarity shown in the last weeks by the civil society and how it…
Festival against Racism/ Festival gegen Rassismus – 2015 (photos)
“Selbstbestimmt kämpfen, solidarisch vernetzen!” “Fight autonomously, network for solidarity!” 4.-6. September at Blücherplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg
Verwaltungsparanoia und Zeltphobie des Bezirks verhindern fast das “Festival gegen Rassismus” auf dem Blücherplatz!
ENGLISH BELOW: Einladung zur Pressekonferenz vom Bündnis Festival gegen Rassismus und den Geflüchteten vom Protestcamp am Oranienplatz sowie der GHS in der Ohlauerstr.: Datum: Donnerstag, den 27.08.2015 Zeit: 10 Uhr Ort: Protestcamp am Oranienplatz
DEVRİMCİ MÜLTECİ HARKETİ DENEYİMLERİNİ AKTARIYOR/ Revolutionary Refugee Movement Shares its Experiences
Our movement, which is a self-organized refugee movement centered in Germany, has organized exhibitions in order to share the experience of the resistance we have been holding on the streets in Germany and all around Euroupe for many years with different groups. We had the first exhibition in a big tent at Ostbahnhof. During the…
Opening of the exhibition “We will Rise”
On 7 August the exhibition and archive “WE WILL RISE” Has started in the “FHXB Museum”, Afterwards we walked through kreuzberg and visited Oranienplatz and
New Infopoint at O-Platz, now also with TENT (!) and new Telefonnumber
Since two weeks there is the new Infopoint at O-Platz, now also with TENT (!) and new Telefonnumber: 0152 – 1021 9961 (Lyca) every day from 3 to 9 pm there are people at the Infotent, two shifts: 3 – 6 and 6 – 9 pm. From 3 to 9 pm the telefon will be…