Category: Oplatz



    Dear Friends and Enemies, I am very exited to announce and invite you all to the opening of Wearebornfree! Cafe` at Waldemarstr.46, 10999 Kreuzberg- Berlin on the 15th of July 2016 starting from 11am. As far as you, since the eviction of our protest camps at Oranienplatz and the school- Ohlauerstrasse. After the fake agreements…

  • Offener Brief Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Heilig Kreuz – Passion in Berlin-Kreuzberg

    Eine Veranstaltung am 8.4.2016 „Integrationsunterstützung der Evangelischen Kirche” in der Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche gab Anlass für Lampedusa im Berlin offener Brief an die Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Heilig Kreuz – Passion in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Lampedusa Berlin

  • Join the demo on Sat 16th April: Social Berlin for all, stop racists! We won’t be divided!

    auf deutsch steht der Text weiter unten! Alliance social Berlin against Racism: Call for a demonstration on 16 April, 1pm, starts from Oranienplatz Social Berlin for all, stop racists! We won’t be divided! According to the UN, 60 million people worldwide are fleeing from war, oppression and exploitation – more than at any time since…

  • Filmscreening “La vie en Europe / Life in Europe” by Oumar Assoumane Aghali

    6. April // 19:00 // Club, Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstr. 32, Berlin-Neukölln (U Hermannplatz) Oumar Assoumane Aghali est réalisateur et militant pour les droits des réfugié.e.s à Berlin. Ses court-métrages racontent la traversée de la Méditerranée et la vie à l’intérieur du mouvement de lutte des réfugié.e.s à Berlin. Oumar Assoumane Aghali is a film…

  • The first issue of the newspaper ›Daily Resistance‹ is now out!

    The first issue of the newspaper ›Daily Resistance‹ is now out!

    It is a newspaper published and written by people, so-called refugees, who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to reach out to people who are in the same situation. It will be published on a continuous basis. Read the Newspaper-PDF. (You can find the…

  • Stop the war on migrants! Remembering Ceuta in struggle

    Sit-in at Checkpoint Charlie: Stop the war on migrants Saturday, February 6th, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. Checkpoint Charlie, Friedrichstr. 43–45 Subway: U 6 Kochstraße, U 2 Stadtmitte Bus: M 29 Kochstraße Conference: Saturday, February 6th, 6 – 9 p.m. Mehringhof Versammlungssaal, Gneisenaustr. 2a Organizers: Voix des Migrants, URBB (Union des Réfugié-es de Berlin-Brandenbourg), Refugee…

  • Invitation: What no one talks about – Refugees from Sudan

    When? 11. 02. | 19:00 – 21:00 Where? Regenbogenfabrik | Lausitzer Straße 22, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg german translation below During the second Sudanese civil war that went on for 22 years, Omar al-Bashir assumed power in 1989. Al-Bashir is the first and only officiating president worldwide who is wanted for genocide, war crime and crimes against…

  • Looka Here! Magazine

    For Information and Comments contact:

  • Mediawork – Blogging Workshop

    Dear activists! The media group kindly invites to the first workshop to train skills in blogging, including how to publish posts and how to improve web presentation on the basis of the website (wordpress). It will take place on Friday, 11th of December, 15 – 17 h in the office in Waldemarstraße 46, Berlin-Kreuzberg.…

  • No to even tighter laws! Yes to solidarity!

    credit is due to Corasol deutsch s.u. // francais en bas // shqip ja poshtë bellow 30.11 – 03.12. 2015: Daily rally between 12 noon and 2pm Marschallbrücke/Willhelmstraße (U Friedrichstraße) 04.12.2015 1.30 pm Oranienplatz: Demonstration: Against limitation of the right to asylum! For an open society! A new draft law for a renewed limitation of…