Category: Oplatz
Call for open meeting to Oplatz media group
Dear people, As media group from Oplatz we want to invite you to our open meeting every Sunday from 15h to 18h Friesenstr. 6 10965 Berlin U7-Gneisenaustr. As you know we are focused on giving the news about refugee struggles, situation in lagers, initiatives against racism, figths against deportations, for the right to stay, to…
8th March International Women*s Struggle Demo Berlin 16:30, Warschauerstr.
Polnish Spanish English Hebrew Serbo-Croatian French German Persian Turkish Arabic القوة لجميع النساء*** ندعو جميع النساء* للمشاركة بالمظاهرة النسائية العالمية في تاريخ 8 مارس 2017 في تمام الساعة 16:30 في شارع Warschauer strasse في زاوية شارع Revaler strasse حتى الساعة 18:00 حيث سنكون في Oranienplatz نحن نتمرد ضد النظام! نحن نناضل ونرتب عملنا وحياتنا. نحن…
Daily Resistance is an instrument of organization / Daily resistance gazetesi bir örgütlenme aracidir
text in Turkish DAILY RESISTANCE IS AN INSTRUMENT OF ORGANIZATION Now we are publishing the third issue of our newspaper. We have distributed five thousand copies of its first issue. Local initiatives played an important role in that practice. However, we would like to stress that Daily Resistance is not only about publication and distribution.…
Schlafplatzorga Vortrag & Küfa
Liebe Leute, am Donnerstag, 09.02.2017 ist es endlich mal wieder Zeit für die Schlafplatzorga-Küfa, um 19.00 in der Scherer (Schererstraße 8 – Wedding, U-Bahn Linie 9, Nauener Platz). Die monatliche, unvergleichlich leckere Küfa der Schlafplatzorga wird ab jetzt immer einen Vortrags- und Diskussionsteil umfassen! Das Thema der Referentin am 9.2. wird sein “Neue Kriege”. Dazu…
Turkish GO HOME After it was their turn on the queue , a security which was carrying a walky-talky on his shirt’s pocket told them “ you, you, you and you are going home now”. But Hüsnü was insisting on asking “ but why?” But his questions did not work. Security officer was explaining the…
2nd transnational refugee tour in London
Freedom of Movement tour London flyer Migrant-led activist group from Oranienplatz in Berlin are now touring the world, or at least some of it. Here to connect the movement across borders, the first stop is London! Gain and share insights and experiences during these events. Where are these places? LARC (London Action Resource Centre): 62…
WE WILL RISE كُلّﻪ ما تَمامْ in Jena
German | English | French | Arabic Zeitraum: Donnerstag, 26.01.17 – Freitag, 03.02.17 Ort: Campus Foyer Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3 Eröffnungsveranstaltung: Freitag, 27.01.17 um 16Uhr in Hörsaal 5 [Mit Adam Bahar von der Ausstellungsgruppe aus Berlin und Aktivist_innen vom Netzwerk “Break Deportation”] Die Ausstellung wird in Jena im Rahmen der Aktionstage “Refugee Black Box – die ununterdrückbare…
Soliparty Stop Deportation Group 14/01
Dear people from Oplatz, Stop Deportation Group is inviting you to our Soliparty at 14/01 from 8pm on at Rauchhaus. We would be very lucky if you could spread it via your channels. Thanks a lot and solidarity greeting Where: Georg von Rauch-Haus Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Kreuzberg e.V. Mariannenplatz 1A 10997 Berlin Bus 140 /…
R.I.P. Sista Mimi
We are One Speech at the memorial march for Sista Mimi on 13.12.2014 Text: Natasha A. Kelly & Aba Yankah Today we show solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world – in Ferguson, in Gaza, in New York, in Syria, in Iraq and Afghanistan, our indigenous brothers and sisters around the world. We…