Category: Oplatz
Call for the video recording equipments for berlin refugee strike
The media group from refugee strike berlin, to build up our media office, really needs the following items to continue and improve our political work and communication. We are building a new video report group to further take the documentation of our protest into our own hands. In this we would also appreciate people with…
Solidarity message from oplatz to Nikos Romanos and Syrian hunger strikers in Greece
Today at 12 there was a solidarity rally at Oranienplatz!
House for Refugees as a center for the political fight for Freedom of movement & right to stay
Refugee Office – Oplatz Berlin – Infobox vergrößern UNTERSTÜTZT UNS HIER: Refugee movement braucht ein eigenes Büro, die jetzige Infobox auf dem Oplatz ist viel zu klein.
Daily 5-8pm at #oplatz or dial 0176-37325499. Sleeping places urgently needed. from the ohlauer info twitter account. please check:
Refugees resume again the O-Platz as a central political info- and meeting point for all Refugees – political activists & supporters There will be people at the daytime between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. Call for support: – Printing flyers for the program (periodical) – Heater for Liquefied petroleum gas – very important !!! – Donation / BVG-tickets…
Support needed at #Oplatz. please share!
— Deutsch unten — Call for support: At #oplatz support is badly needed – people covering shifts to maintain the info point, someone in charge of the sleeping place organisation (phone, updating lists), as well as welcoming the homeless refugees looking for a place to stay. At the moment only a few people are dealing with it, we need…
Call for Solidarity – Distribution of sleeping places, Oct. 25th at 7m on Oplatz
– Deutsch unten – Today at 7pm there will be a meeting of all supporters and refugees who were evicted yesterday from the lagers in order to distribute sleeping places. If you know refugees from Harleemer Straße, Askanierring, Blaschkoallee, Marienfelder Allee or Gürtel- straße who are in need of shelter the following days, inform them…
Oplatz جديداليوم
12/10/2014 اجتماع ‘ في أورانين بلاس . نتاقش كيف نتعدا مرحلت. شرطة ، المباحس او الحملت التى تصير غدا . …….………….…………………………………… ومن بعد كانت مظاهرة كبيرة تضامن مع مدينة كوباني ، السورية الكردية الحدودية مع تركيا.
Today 6pm – Oplatz – Heute um 18Uhr
—————— deutsch unten ——————- Today 6pm Information about the attack on Oplatz at Oplatz At 5am today some people burnt the tent of Oplatz. At 11am People gathered to see what could be done. The proposal is: Come all at 6pm to Oplatz! We share all information about the attack. At 7pm we make Action…
Oplatz: Info Tent burnt down today
Arsen attack at oranienplatz Berlin around 5 am today. Come to Oranienplatz in solidarity!