Category: Oplatz
The situation on #Oplatz is not very good (video)
Hello just you should know The situation in Oplatz look like this maybe soon will brick the house also.
workshop about Boko Haram : sunday 3pm, ballhaus xberg
Political workshop 11.01.2015 Dear friends We are calling you to join our international political Workshop on 11.01.2015 at 3:00 p.m. – Naunynstr. 27, Ballhaus Kreuzberg Berlin The workshop is about what is happing somewhere in Africa, about Boko Haram, who are killing and bombing our brothers and Sisters, kidnaping 250 school-girls and bombing children-school in…
bike action for freedom
How can securities of the so called “international refugee center”, be not selected by refugee activists themselves? And how can the district choose securities who hate and attack refugees for no reason? On the evening of 23.12.2014 refugee activists made a peaceful bike action as an alternative christmas party, with the slogan: “First freedom, Then…
Update on the successful crowdfunding campaign for Sista Mimi. Still, the support will be continued! “Thank you for contributing! Together, we fulfilled Sista Mimi’s last wish! The funeral parlour will be paid tomorrow (December 29). The flight to Nairobi will take place on January, 1st or 2nd. Mimi’s relatives in Kenya are very moved that…
bike action for freedom
join freedom fighters and bike the city !!!! bring your bikes, music, instruments and food. we start at oplatz and visit places of resistance like school, cuvry, mall of shame and others. later back in xberg we make party together. First freedom! No freedom, No christmas! No home, No christmas! No money, No christmas! starting…
Infopoint at Oranienplatz got attacked and destroyed
Today (18.12.2014) around 5pm the info table in Oranienplatz got attacked by unknown (most probably Nazi) people. They turn down the table and broke it, with other stuff that was next to it. Police did not provide any protection for the place. some hours later they attempt to burn down Rauchhaus, the oldest projecthaus in kreuzberg.…
Now support needed for building the new roof on Oplatz/ Unterstützung für das neue Dach am Oplatz gesucht
(deutsch unten) We are looking for people that in the next days also can take part to build a longer time the new roof of the building. Also today on Sunday, or in the next days.May be one or two whole days, from about 10 or 11 clock until sunset. If it´s possible. Who has time and want´s to take…
We are one – against racism and police brutality
Saturday 13.12.2014 at 2pm we are holding a commemomeration march for our beloved Sista Mimi who passed away on Wednesday 10th December, 2014. It is as well the date of the International Human Rights Day. The march will start at Oplatz and end in front of the school with a press conference.
Kundgebung, 11.12.2014, 18:00 Uhr, Alt-Moabit (Strasse), gegenüber vom Knast
Kundgebung, 11.12.2014, 18:00 Uhr, Alt-Moabit (Strasse), gegenüber vom Knast (Deutsch Unten) They won’t let us mourn in peace! Yesterday evening, the Berlin refugee movement lost one of its most important activists: Sista Mimi. This morning at 12:30 in front of the Ohlauer school, right in the middle of Mimi’s memorial ceremony, the police arrested another…