Category: LMNB – Lager Mobilisation Network Berlin
Ordinary life in the Notunterkunft in Osloer Str. 23-26 #lmg-berlin
Autumn is arriving again to Berlin, and today is a foggy day. It’s not so bad, it could be raining, but as I approach the Lager (migrants camp) in Osloerstr. 28 I realize that Summer has gone and that now the 200 people living in that Sporthalle prefer to stay inside. When I arrive, everybody…
Eviction day at #Bornitzstr102 : the true face of “human rights”, “democracy”, “justice” and “freedom”
Posted originally in abriraqui Yesterday night, I went to visit my friends at #Bornitzstr102, with another friend, somehow I needed to share with someone what the last 2 weeks have been for people at the Lager. When trying to get in, yesterday, the security told me, no they cannot receive visits, they are going to…
Zum aktuellen Konflikt in der Notunterkunft (NUK) Bornitzstrasse 102 in 10365 Berlin Betreiberfirma: Pewobe
ALLE BewohnerInnen der Bornitzstraße haben das Recht auf einen Platz in einer Gemeinschaftsunterkunft, die ihnen v.a. ermöglicht, selber zu kochen und ihr leben mehr zu gestalten. Viele leben schon seit über einem Jahr in dieser Einrichtung, statt „längstens 6 Monate“ (§47 AsylG). Es war ihnen versprochen worden, nach der Teilrenovierung der oberen Stockwerke in der…
Support in front of lager in Bornitzstr. Berlin
Update by abriraqui 122 people in #Bornitzstr. Lager are not receiving food since Thursday. Today a group of volunteers went to the Lager to give warm food outside here a short video taken: Giving food at Bornitzstr102 Lager – Berlin from abriraqui Update Monday, 10.10.2016 At Bornitzt Lager people were asked to go to…
122 people are pending eviction from Lager Bornitzstr. 102 run by PeWoBe #refugeesWelcome #Berlin
from abriraqui Today at around 16h I received a call. Someone had notified Lager Mobilisation Group, that 122 people living in the Lager (a camp) at Bornitzstr 102 (Lichtenberg – Berlin) were going to be evicted from this Lager and transfer to another Lager at Köpenicker Allee 164. No reasons were argued, they would…
Dramatic conditions at the emergency shelter (Notunterkunft) Osloer Straße 23-26 in Berlin
+++ deutsch unten +++ Living conditions in the emergency shelter of Osloer Straße 23-26, in Berlin, range from bad to worse. Those who live there in “transitory” manner denounce the sanitary situation and the permanent mistreatment of the employees working for the security company WISAG and BTB Bildungszentrum. These companies receive thousands of Euros per…
Lager Mobilisation in Berlin: The “Welcome To Wedding”-Map is here!
deutsch weiter unten. The very first Version of the “Welcome To Wedding”-map, in 7 languages, is here and free for downloading. This map was made by the local Lager Mobilisation Group in Berlin-Wedding; this group meets every sunday from 5-7 pm in der Exerzeristraße 28. The members of this group are the illegalized people from…
protocol #16+17 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin
this is our 16+17th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation network” in berlin. again, around 12-15 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. 1. introduction of the network for our new people 2. reports from our weekly lager visits 3. collaborations and ideas 4. facebook…
Pressebericht: “Lager Mobilisation Network”
Foto: Unterbringung in der ehemaligen FU Turnhalle, die inzwischen dicht gemacht wurde. „Wenn ich ,Lageso’ nur höre..“ NON-CITIZENS Menschen zu ihren eigenen Konditionen helfen, ohne bevormundend oder gönnerhaft zu sein – wie geht das? Das „Lager Mobilisation Netzwerk“ macht es vor. von SYBILLE BIERMANN Dienstagabend in einem kleinen Vereinsbüro im Wedding . Hier trifft sich…
protocol #15 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin
this is our 15th protocol to form a “lager mobilisation network” in berlin. again, around 12 people were there – thanks to u all. please add, correct and criticize in the comment section. see u next year on 05. january 2016 – the struggle continues. protocol #15 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin…