Category: Knowledges
A Union of Transnational Migrant Workers!
Migrants form Binational Coalition to document and protest against abuses from employers and companies in the U.S.A. and Mexico. For full article click here Source: La Opinion.
Watch Vivek Chibber’s Lecture: Author of Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital
From Akademie der Künste der Welt Watch Vivek Chibber here. ‘To use western theory to understand the east is problematic. It becomes part of the imperial project of the west. Cultural specificity is needed’. Also applies to questions of social mobilisation theory and social justice.
First they came for the Roma: is history repeating itself for the forgotten victims of the Holocaust?
The struggle against deportation as well as discrimination and racial prejudice towards the Roma must continue!!!!!. There is no ‘safe country’ for the Roma. Read on… By Sophie McAdam ‘Laws were passed prohibiting marriage between Roma and non-Roma, and so began a horrific campaign of hatred against them which continues to this day. For 500 years…
Madres de migrantes centroamericanos piden al Papa por sus hijos
La caravana de madres de migrantes centroamericanos terminó su recorrido por México con un pedido por sus hijos dirigido al Papa Francisco VIDEO “Se estima que hay entre 70 a 120.000 migrantes no localizados en tránsito por México a partir del 2006, de quienes no se cuentan con datos confiables. Son los invisibles entre los…
Professor launches course for Calais ‘Jungle’ camp refugees
Settlers will study course on ‘life stories’ led by University of East London academic Refugees will study for a three-day accredited course on life stories, was taught by a small team of academics in the camp (4-6 December). It was be led by Corinne Squire, professor of social sciences and co-director of the Centre for…
A Case Study of the Syrian Displacement in Beirut: Sabra and Chatila
Lecture by Marwa el-Chab (EHESS) and Rajaa Bechara (Ana Aqraa) Chaired by Prof Ulrike Freitag and Dr Nora Lafi Monday, December 14th, 2015, 5 pm Venue: Conference Hall Zentrum Moderner Orient Kirchweg 33 14129 Berlin-Nikolassee Please register at the following address: Dr. Nora Lafi Phone: (+49) (0) 30 80307- 0 For further details please…
Border Watch: Cultures of Immigration, Detention and Control (Anthropology, Culture and Society) by Alexandra Hall (Pluto Press: London and New York, 2012). This book takes an inside look into detention centres and describes in detail everyday encounters between immigrant/detention officials and immigrants. Please click here for the review of this critical book.
Refugees need freedom, not handouts
An Essay by Political Activist Adam Bahar In this thought provoking essay Adam Bahar outlines the death of the ‘welcoming culture’ for refugees in Germany. He demonstrates how Germany has been directly responsible for supporting several dictators in the global South and how the Federal Republic is responsible for continuing to impose borders…. The article…
Wann ist Empowerment emanzipatorisch? Vortrag und Diskussion (KüfA + Bar) Dienstag, 17.11.2015 – 20 Uhr JUP, Florastr.84, 13187 Berlin – Zugang übers Café Diesmal gibt es einen Einblick in die Untiefen des Begriffes „Empowerment“. Wir schauen dazu in eine kleine Schatztruhe, bzw. einen völlig unbekannten Text von Tom Inglis (nein, nicht der evangelikale Superspinner), sowie…