Category: Knowledges

  • Workshop: Countering the state’s divisive tactics

    Workshop: Countering the state’s divisive tactics

    Join us for two days of discussions that aim to develop our understanding of tactics the state uses to disrupt social movements [21/01] and what we can do to repair trust, restore solidarity, and make our movements resilient against them [22/01]. Both events will start with input from a comrade who was part of the…

  • Undisturbed. Podcast by Bijan Sabbagh

    Undisturbed. Podcast by Bijan Sabbagh

    Undisturbed is a tunnel to understanding global leftist movements. Another podcast from Colourful Voices Host: Bijan Sabbagh Latest episode: Veronica Velez and the Uprising of Colombia (June 2, 2021) Colombia was witness of massive protests and police violence throughout last weeks. In an interview with Veronica Velez, A Colombian activist and lawyer based in Berlin,…

  • Conference on the Sudanese refugees’ situation in Germany (31 January at 21:00 on Skype)

    Conference on the Sudanese refugees’ situation in Germany (31 January at 21:00 on Skype)

    Update 3 On 31/1/2021 at 21:00 we have a continuation of a workshop about Sudanese refugees from Schaumberg/Niedersachsen online to discuss the refugee’s situation. This is the 4th workshop now. We are not going to be silent, until the deportation is stopped, until the isolation of refugees is broken, and until the primary, secondary, and universal…

  • Daily Resistance #6 is out!

    Daily Resistance #6 is out!

    The new issue of Daily Resistance is out (#6) and ready for distribution!

  • Sudan Revolution Interview

    T: We already know you from the Oranienplatz resistance but can you introduce yourself a bit? A: Adam Bahar. I am coming from Sudan. I’m born in Sudan but I’m in Germany since 2012. Politically active in Sudan since 2002. I was in university fighting for the right of the people of Sudan and against…

  • Einheit ist eine Waffe

    Ali Ahmed lebt seit 2013 in Hamburg und ist Aktivist der Gruppe „Lampedusa in Hamburg“. Aktuell ist er einer von fünf Sprecher*innen, die die Interessen der sudanesischen Aufstandsbewegung im Ausland vertreten. Am 30. Juni 1989 riss Omar al-Bashir die Macht im Sudan durch einen Militärputsch gegen eine zivile Regierung an sich. Dabei wurde er von…

  • Reflection: “Fear? Put it!  A discussion on fear and how to overcome it in Refugee protest”

    Reflection: “Fear? Put it! A discussion on fear and how to overcome it in Refugee protest”

    Bino Bwansi Byakuleka (Activist, Artist and Radio-Maker), Napuli Paul (Activist and Non-Violence-Trainer), Erez (Activist) and Lisa Doppler (Researcher and Activist) Lisa Doppler: In interviews we did some month ago you, Napuli, talked about the situation in Lagers where a lot of people get aggressive, start to hate everybody but also that this changed for a…

  • ZINE: FREE the röszke 11 Imprisonment of Migrants and Repression against Movements in Hungary and Beyond

    from: Free Röszke 11 We published a zine about the Röszke 11, that provides an overview and gerneral analysis. It summarizes the story of the Röszke 11, the political context, and similar cases of criminalization in Greece and Luxembourg. You can download it when you click on the pdf-signs above or below. The version above…

  • Romnja Power Month 2016

    By RomaniPhen Liebe Freund*innen, liebe Schwestern* und liebe Interessierte, wir freuen uns sehr Ihnen/Euch unser Programm für den Romnja* Power Month bekannt geben zu dürfen. Wir haben eine Reihe von informativen , empowernden , kreativen und vielseitigen Veranstaltungen  zusammengestellt und möchten ganz herzlich zur Teilnahme einladen. Der Romnja Power Month, geboren aus einer Kooperation zwischen der…

  • Protest: Sudanesen kritisieren Polizei

    Rund 100 Personen ziehen am Sonnabend durch die Innenstadt, um auf die Situation im Sudan aufmerksam zu machen. Zuvor hatten die Flüchtlinge aus dem Protestcamp am Weißekreuzplatz die Polizei kritisiert.