Category: International Woman Space

  • The texture of patriarchy in Kosovo

    “Girls are the devil’s dinner and the dog’s meat,” says the Albanian vernacular. It is thanks to my relatives – all of them are Kosovars – that I know this sentence. These misogynistic words voice a sad reality: there is no justice between men and women in Kosovar society. The Albanian wife is too often…

  • Building cultural citizenship with women seeking refuge and asylum

    SONY DSC “Women’s rights are not privileges to be earned or awarded to a few. To have meaning they must be afforded to all women, wherever they are born”. ..There is still a dearth of research on women seeking asylum, the asylum system is still gender-biased, pregnant women, women survivors of sexual violence and children…

  • ‘No Human Considered Illegal’ Under Ecuador’s New Migration Law

    ECUADORCHILDREN PLAYING OUTSIDE THE QUECHUA SCHOOL,PIMBAROPhoto © Julio Etchart The Ecuadorean government is proposing a law to give all migrants in the country legal status. Ecuador is an important migrant destination and has Latin America’s largest refugee population, largely fueled by the conflict in neighboring Colombia. In his weekly address, President Rafael Correa said, “The…

  • Sex discrimination in nationality laws around the world

    Despite repeated commitments by governments around the world to ensure women’s equality by repealing discriminatory laws, sex discrimination persists, including in citizenship and nationality1 laws. This is damaging to the lives of women and their families. Although there has been some progress, with a number of countries recently amending their laws on citizenship in order…

  • For women, there are no ‘just wars’

    By Soraya L. Chemaly No one wants to go to war. Before we commit soldiers and societies to inevitable sacrifice and atrocities, we try to balance the inevitable harm against the potential good. We seek to make the wars we undertake “just” by applying defined criteria to a scale of moral weights and principled measures. Men…

  • VIDEO: Meet the Spanish Occupy Activist Who Became Mayor of Barcelona Democracy Now!: Longtime anti-eviction activist Ada Colau recently became the first female mayor of Barcelona, Spain. She has vowed to fine banks, stop evictions, expand public housing, improve wages, force utility companies to lower their prices and slash the mayoral salary. She has called bankers “criminals” and garnered support from the leftist Podemos party,…

  • Roma-Aktivistin Radmilla Anic fragt: „Wer will uns zuhören?“

    Die Dienstkarte hat sie mitgenommen. Sie ist ein wenig abgegriffen nach den Jahren. Darauf ist ihr Foto zu sehen, unter ihrem Namen steht „Vorsitzende“. Einen Stempel der Organisation gibt es auch, alles wie es sein muss.„Majcina Kolevka“ steht auf der Karte, das heißt „Kinderwiege“ und ist eine Organisation, die sich um alleinstehende Roma-Mütter in Novi…

  • Wer nicht ertrinkt, wird eingesperrt

    …there is enough reason for the assumption that in future all refugees entering Germany shall be locked up. It is also assumed that the number of deportations will increase enormously. The basic right of asylum and the right to have a “fair” access to an asylum procedure will therfore be abolished completely. Refugees are already…

  • Remembering Sista Mimi

    Remembering Sista Mimi

    AUDIO: Speeches against the eviction of Gerhart Hauptmann Schule – March 2014 Our beloved Sista Mimi passed away in December last year. She never stopped her political activities or voicing her anger and discontent at this unfair world.  The fight goes on and she is still in our thoughts. We wanted to share some photos of her…

  • In April 2014 the protest camp in Oranienplatz was evicted, but not without resistance….

    The place was still surrounded by the police when our friend Napuli Langa climbed on a big tree and refused to go down for the following four days or almost 100 hours, during which she exposed the shady agreement pushed by the Senate of Berlin on the refugees of Oplatz. Respect Napuli! What for a…