Category: international woman space

  • An Email from women at #Niedstr to Frau #Tomaske

    On the 27.05, the inhabitants of the Lager at Niedstr 1-2, sent to Frau Tomaske (LAF) the following complain. Until today, they didn’t receive any answer and there are no changes in this unsustainable situation. What is LAF waiting for? (Deutsch unten) Dear Frau Tomaske, In Soziale Initiative Niederlausitz e.v. Notunterkunft Neidstr 1-2 12159 Berlin,…

  • Speech held by IWS in the International Women*s Day Berlin #womanday #weltfrautag

    Posted originally by  Photo: Inga Alice Lauenroth  We women of the world have united, and we shout: International Strike! We see sexist shit all over the world. In Russia, domestic violence has been decriminalised. In many places, girls are forced to marry and bear children. We see a rise in antifeminism here and everywhere.…

  • Video: Emergency shelter in Wiesenstraße throws out Syrian refugee woman at night

    Klick HERE for the Press Release which was published few days ago. Watch the video: International Women Space got to know Viviana when she was still living the emergency shelter (Lager) at the Wiesenstraße, in Wedding, Berlin. On te 29th of January we went to the Notunterkunft to have a coffee with Viviana and…

  • IN OUR OWN WORDS Book launch

    Refugee Women in Germany tell their stories WHEN: 19.00 | 25th November 2015 WHERE: TheaterSpielRaum, Bethanien-Südflügel, Mariannenplatz 2B, 10997 Berlin   In 2013, we, the activists from International Women Space (IWS), set ourselves the task of documenting the lives and stories of refugee women in Germany. We approached the project in the Latin American tradition of…

  • Solidarität muss politisch werden! Solidarity must become political!

    iwspace Social Center 4all. This is a good name and a good project and we hope the eviction of the occupation at Englische Straße 20 today doesn’t discourage people to continue trying to find alternative spaces for the thousands of refugees arriving in Germany. It is not only a question of sleeping places, which are absolutely…

  • „We are here because you destroyed our countries“

    We have been seeing, through the media, a rise of solidarity amongst the Germans towards refugees. There has been article after article reporting about welcome structures in different parts of the country. Different people are creating websites offering temporary accommodation to refugees, others are collecting basic clothes, food supplements and taking to the refugees camped…

  • The Refugees Are Coming!!!

    By ANDRE VLTCHEK: I don’t really know, I don’t understand how it feels: to live in a rich European country, which is rich mainly because it has been directly plundering many poor nations around the world. Or it has been plundering by association, through its membership in some extremist organization like NATO. To live there, refusing…

  • Paris ‘generously’ allows hundreds of migrants to stay in abandoned school

    Migrants walk in the courtyard at the Guillaume-Bude secondary school, near a banner which reads, “Flee from War, Live on the Streets” in Paris, France, August 2, 2015. Some two hundred migrants, some of whom were expelled from a makeshift tent city in Paris seek refuge in the annexe of the secondary school. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe…

  • Taz: Frauen als Flüchtlinge Schutzlos in einem sicheren Land

    Von Andrea Dernbach Auch wer es nach Deutschland geschafft hat, ist nicht sicher. Gerade weibliche Flüchtlinge sind oft Gewalt ausgesetzt – nicht zuletzt in Asylbewerberheimen.  Das Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte prangert mangelhaften Schutz für Frauen an, die nach Deutschland geflohen sind. Seit etwa 15 Jahren gelte unter anderem das Gewaltschutzgesetz; es werde aber nicht für…