Category: International

  • Mapping the Revolt

    Mapping the revolt in Italian detention centres. Read here

  • This was my home: Statement from the solidarity squat Ορφανοτροφείο

    Please help us spread the statement of people from the solidarity squat Ορφανοτροφείο in regards to the eviction of our squat in Thessaloniki last week. Police raided and evicted the house in the early hours of Wednesday arrested the people and afterwards transported all non-European comrades to a military camp 45 minutes outside of the…

  • Lampedusa Migration Network in Manchester

    “The Symposium served as a platform to discuss current research, policies and narratives on the timely and critical  issues of migration, asylum and detention in Lampedusa. The Symposium’s key aim and point of success was bringing together UK and international academics from Postcolonial, International and Visual Studies, refugees, Lampedusa-based NGO representatives, journalists, activists, and the wider public,…

  • Syrian Gay Refugee Killed in İstanbul

    Syrian gay refugee Muhammed Wisam Sankari has been found dead in Yenikapı district of İstanbul. Perpetrators of Sankari who was beheaded are yet to be caught. Sankari who was threatened, kidnapped by a crowded group of men and raped earlier was trying to flee to another country for his life safety. In the wake of…

  • Nobody can contact these prisoners in detention camp, see how we throw them newspaper over fences

    Nobody can contact these prisoners in detention camp, see how we throw them newspaper over fences

    7th may was #ShutThemDown,  transnational day of action against detention centres. A lot of people have demonstrated in different cities for closing of detention centers. Right now people are detained in inhumane situation and their basic rights of moving freely and applying for asylum have been stolen from them. They are imprisoned and even does…

  • Anti Frontex Days 21-23 May 2016

    This year more than ever, we need your support to say NO to the European Union’s migration policies and criminal activities of its border control agency, Frontex. Closing borders and cutting the wealthy Europe off from the countries of South and East – plundered and kept in poverty – aims at preserving inequalities on both…

  • Support structures for migrants in Belgrade under attack

    Call from NoBorders Hostel collective Comrades, read, share, resist! URGENT:The political management of migrations on the Balkan Route has entered into yet another phase. Ever since the EU-Turkey Deal came into force at the end of March, one of its main parts was the repression targeting both the people traveling through the Balkans and the…

  • Impression of the Situation in Greece Interview with Napuli Paul, activist from the refugee movement in Berlin and Germany

    You have been for six or five days in Greece and you also went to tthe border in Idomeni what were your impressions there? First of all it was good that we are here and to see the situation. And the situation was really hard. You can not take it, you know. first of all…

  • Afghan Refugees Protest at the Greek-Macedonian Border

    Afghan Refugees Protest at the Greek-Macedonian Border

    ‘Hundreds of Afghans joined a sit-in near the border crossing and said they would go on hunger strike, demanding to be granted passage into Macedonia and onwards to western Europe.’ Read more here

  • Sessions at Calais

    Afghan Refugee Musicians in France “This music instrument is called “Dambora” which is older then 4000 years or maybe more and it’s being used as a music instrument among Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks and Turkmens of Afghanistan”   Watch video on Facebook