Category: International

  • Bericht vom 2 Prozesstag #luxTrial

    Bericht vom 2 Prozesstag #luxTrial

    English Bericht vom 2.Prozesstag. Wieder waren viele Unterstützer*innen da.Der Tag heute begann mit einem Polizeizeugen. Seine Aussage war geprägt von der Interpretation March4Freedom-Website und Vermutungen. Danach haben vier weitere Polizeizeug*innen ausgesagt. Selten würde Konkretes zu den Anklagepunkten gesagt. Sie haben auch nicht sagen können, ob wir Angeklagten die Straftaten begangen haben. Alles blieb sehr vage.…

  • Bericht der erster Prozesstag in #luxTrial gegen 6 Aktivist*innen des March for Freedom

    Bericht der erster Prozesstag in #luxTrial gegen 6 Aktivist*innen des March for Freedom

    english version further down! Wir sind angeklagt als Aktivist*innen des March for Freedom. Heute war in Luxemburg unser erster Prozesstag. Sechs Aktivist*innen waren vorgeladen, vier von uns sind vor Gericht erschienen. 30 Untersützer*innen war vor Ort. Vielen Dank für die Solidarität und Unterstützung in unterschiedlicher Weise aus und in Hamburg, Saarbrücken, Trier, Berlin, Marseille, Luxemburg…

  • Pressekonferenz zum Strafprozess gegen AsylrechtsaktivistInnen in Luxemburg +++ press conference on criminal proceedings against activists in defence of asylum rights in Luxemburg

    Pressekonferenz zum Strafprozess gegen AsylrechtsaktivistInnen in Luxemburg +++ press conference on criminal proceedings against activists in defence of asylum rights in Luxemburg

      in english further below! Pressekonferenz zum Ergebnis der Gerichtsverhandlung: Montag, 10.04.2017, um 10 Uhr in Waldemarstraße 46, 10999 Berlin Pressekontakt: 01575 373 0574 Sechs Aktivist*innen des March for Freedom zwei Jahre nach brutalem Polizeieinsatz bei friedlichem Protest in Luxemburg (Stadt) angeklagt Gerichtsverhandlung zu Vorwurf der “Rebellion” in Luxemburg am 5. und 6. April…

  • #VolemAcollir Hundreds of Thousands Chanted “Open The Borders!” in #Barcelona

    Written by Riot Turtle Up to 300.000 people (according to organisers) took the streets of Barcelona yesterday. Police authorities estimated that about 160.000 people joined the protests. The huge demonstration demanded from the government in Madrid to immediately meet its pledge to take in thousands of refugees. People were mobilised with the slogan volem acollir…

  • Greece: Hunger Strike in Elliniko Camp in Athens

    Infomobile Information with, about and for refugees in Greece On 5th February 2017, most of the adults among the 711 refugees residing in a state-run Camp in the former Athens National Airport (Camp Elliniko II), in the majority coming from Afghanistan, started a hunger strike to protest against their degrading living conditions demanding for their…

  • The Asylum Market in #UK

    The Asylum Market in #UK

    An  investigative documentary about the lucrative business of asylum accommodation in UK The Asylum Market from Brass Moustache Films on Vimeo.

  • Massive protest at JFK airport in New York against detention and Trump’s immigrant ban!

    Working Families Party Call for Demonstration: “We are here at JFK airport demanding that visa holders and refugees JFK has detained are released! We will be here until all people detained are released. #Terminal4 arrivals. #NoMuslimBanJFK #NoBanNoWall Video on Facebook follow on Twitter #JFKTerminal4 #NoBanNoWall   Salute to all non-muslims voices against #MuslimBan, You restored…

  • 3 reasons why the Syrian people left and boycott The “Civil March for Allepo”?

    3 reasons why the Syrian people left and boycott The “Civil March for Allepo”?

    Some days ago the Civil March for Aleppo has started from Berlin. Aiming to walk the whole way through Aleppo, 3000km. They received very big media attention , even though it is clear that this is a impossible march. The behaviour of the organizers depict clearly they come from a social enterpreuner circle, in which…

  • Urgent help needed to stop deportations to Sudan

    Amnesty International is mobilizing against the deportation of two people arrested in Calais on 25th of October during the destruction of the shantytown to Sudan and flights  scheduled  to Khartoum (see here and there). A presentation of their situation and a campaign via twitter are online here: Amnesty International also asks people to contact…

  • Demonstration “Free the Röszke 11 – Solidarity with Ahmad and all of the accused

    Friday, October 28 // 7:00 PM / 19.00 o´clock Unter den Linden 76 (close to the Hungarian embassy) // Berlin After the hungarian government closed their borders to migrants in September ’15 people started a protest at the border crossing Roeszke which got trapped by police. They caught 11 persons who couldn’t come away fast…