Category: international

  • Einheit ist eine Waffe

    Ali Ahmed lebt seit 2013 in Hamburg und ist Aktivist der Gruppe „Lampedusa in Hamburg“. Aktuell ist er einer von fünf Sprecher*innen, die die Interessen der sudanesischen Aufstandsbewegung im Ausland vertreten. Am 30. Juni 1989 riss Omar al-Bashir die Macht im Sudan durch einen Militärputsch gegen eine zivile Regierung an sich. Dabei wurde er von…

  • 39 months City Plaza: the end of an era, the beginning of a new one

    On 10th July 2019 the keys of squatted City Plaza were handed back to the former employees of the hotel, to whom the mobile equipment in the building belongs. All refugees living at City Plaza have been moved to safe housing within the city.

  • “The revolution won’t be televised” – Senegal uprising – screening + discussion with their protagonist

    “The revolution won’t be televised” – Senegal uprising – screening + discussion with their protagonist

    On the 11th November, KEUR GUI, founder members of Y en a Marre will share they experience of fight at 19h in the K9, kinzigstr 9 10247 Berlin First will be screened the film “The revolution won’t be televised” which won an award in the Berlinale and it’ll follow up with a discussion with one…

  • ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Chapter “Migration” in the contract of the German Grand Coalition 2018-2021

    – deutsch weiter unten / german below –   Below you will find the English translation of the whole chapter “Migration” in the coalition contract between the parties CDU, CSU and SPD. This contract will form the basis of German migration policy and its laws until 2021 or possibly 2022. It will also have a…

  • You can’t evict a movement! – Les exilé.e.s occupy a building of university Paris 8

    You can’t evict a movement! – Les exilé.e.s occupy a building of university Paris 8

    This year, Paris is seeing one of its coldest winters in decades. The masses of snow have caused traffic and public transport chaos and have left thousands of people sleeping rough —many of them migrants— in life-endangering conditions. At the same time, the Macron administration is planning a further neoliberalization of France’s universities and keeps…

  • Demonstration at the international day against violence against woman 25.11.2017, 15:00 Hermannplatz

            below: English, deutsch, kurmanji, فارسی, Türkçe, سۆرانی, polska, Español, Français, Italiano, Rusyn, português, TIẾNG VIỆT , عربى, zazaki ***Continue fighting the feminicide*** through women’s self organization and women’s self defence 25th of November, the international day against violence against women, is the expression of resistance of women around the world! Whether…

  • Tchad: pétition pour Mayadine Mahamat Babouri, détenu et séquestré et torturé

          le lien pour signer: Le journaliste et activiste tchadien, engagé, Mayadine Mahamat croule depuis septembre 2016 dans le bagne de Koro-Toroa. Son tort : avoir critiqué et dénoncé les dérives dictatoriales inadmissibles encours au Tchad et la mauvaise gouvernance du pouvoir d’Idriss Deby. Rappel des faits : Mayadine Mahamat Babouri est…

  • #RefugeesSRB We Are Still in #Serbia

    Posted on April 16, 2017 by Enough is Enough! We are still in Belgrade. One of us joined the Cars Of Hope Wuppertal team, who are working with refugees and support the Soul Welders projects in the Serbian capital. Another short impression from Belgrade. Written by Riot Turtle Solidarity not charity! The situation in Belgrade changed…

  • ZINE: FREE the röszke 11 Imprisonment of Migrants and Repression against Movements in Hungary and Beyond

    from: Free Röszke 11 We published a zine about the Röszke 11, that provides an overview and gerneral analysis. It summarizes the story of the Röszke 11, the political context, and similar cases of criminalization in Greece and Luxembourg. You can download it when you click on the pdf-signs above or below. The version above…

  • Bericht vom 2 Prozesstag #luxTrial

    Bericht vom 2 Prozesstag #luxTrial

    English Bericht vom 2.Prozesstag. Wieder waren viele Unterstützer*innen da.Der Tag heute begann mit einem Polizeizeugen. Seine Aussage war geprägt von der Interpretation March4Freedom-Website und Vermutungen. Danach haben vier weitere Polizeizeug*innen ausgesagt. Selten würde Konkretes zu den Anklagepunkten gesagt. Sie haben auch nicht sagen können, ob wir Angeklagten die Straftaten begangen haben. Alles blieb sehr vage.…