Category: International Women’s Space
Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen* Internationalistische Frauen DEMO Freitag, 25.11.2016, 16 Uhr, Turmstrasse (U9)
Organizers: Frauen * von Ezidischer FrauenRat Berlin, Frauenrat Dest Dan, International Women Space, Interkulturelle Frauenzentrum S.U.S.I, Frauen aus Rojhilat, Sozialistischer Frauenbund Berlin-SKB, Women in Exile & Friends, JXK – Studierende Frauen aus Kurdistan, FrauenRat der PYD Berlin (Rojava Frauen), Frauenrat der HDK Berlin, Lara e.V „From feminicide to selfdefence” along the motto of the current…
Solidarity statement to the Protest March 2016 München to Nürnberg from International Women Space, Berlin
by International Women Space We send solidarity greetings to our sisters and brothers on the protest march from Munich to Nürnberg! It feels so good and inspiring to see the videos of this strong, angry and energetic protest! This is a clear reaction to the racist asylum laws which are passed here in Berlin and…
DEMO 8.3.16 – International Women’s Day / Internationaler Frauentag – Wir nehmen uns die Macht zurück! / we take back the power!
Wir nehmen uns die Macht zurück! > Deutsch We take the power back! > English İktidarı geri alıyoruz! > Türkçe Retomamos el poder! > español Preuzmimo Moć > srpski Мы возвращаем нашу власть! > русский Estamos pegando o poder de volta! > português Em desthilatê şûnde digirin! > Kurdî 私たちはパワーを取り戻す! > 日本語 Ci riprendiamo il potere! > italiano Nous reprenons le pouvoir!…
Sexualized violence and the recent debate in Germany
by iwspace We women from the International Women Space won’t accept to be used by the AFD, Pegida, Bärgida, Bürgerwehr or by any other white supremacist troop of racists! The recent incidents in Köln during the new years’ eve are unacceptable. Women were sexually assaulted. The police watched and did nothing. Refugees or foreigners in…
Photo exhibition 3. – 6. 12. 2015
Stronger than Borders Widerstand – Flucht – Solidarität 3.12. – 6.12.2015 Leuchtturm Neukölln, Emser Straße 117, 12051 Berlin Do 18:30 – 22:00 Fr, Sa 12:00 – 22:00 So 11:00 – 16:00 Program hier In diesem Jahr sind mehr Menschen auf der Flucht und der Suche nach Asyl als nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Aus der Verzweiflung…
Stronger than Borders Widerstand – Flucht – Solidarität 3.12. – 6.12.2015 Leuchtturm Neukölln, Emser Straße 117, 12051 Berlin Do 18:30 – 22:00 Fr, Sa 12:00 – 22:00 So 11:00 – 16:00 Program hier In diesem Jahr sind mehr Menschen auf der Flucht und der Suche nach Asyl als nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Aus der Verzweiflung…
DEMO – International Resistance Against Violence Against Women! 25.November.2015
WHEN: 16:30 | 25th November 2015 START: U-Bahnhof Hermannplatz, Berlin Resistance and self-organisation: against governmental arbitrariness! More and more women are acknowledging their rights, fighting arbitrary controls and repression. against political violence More and more women are recognising that the oppression they face is systematic against employers! More and more women are fighting for…
“The Refugee movement is the movement of the 21st Century” – Angela Davis in Berlin, May 2015
// Spanish below // Deutsch untenstehend // “Can someone explain to me why can’t I go inside the school?” asked Angela Davis on the 14th of May, during her meeting with activists in the Werkstatt der Kulturen, in Berlin. “Is it a school or a prison?” To which people from the audience replied: “Yes”. Angela Davis and Gina…
“Welcome to one more sexist event” – women’s statement at Oplatz Kundgebung on 18.04.15
statement by internationalwomenspace: // Deutsch untenstehend // Welcome to one more sexist event, where repeatedly you hear the voice of man despite the presence of women. Well, we want to see a change. We want to prove wrong those who tell women we cannot complain because we are equal. No, we are not equal. Far…
8.03.15 at 12h: “From O-Platz to Kobane – women resisting united”
Photos of Demo Dear Women, we are happy to invite you to our Women’s Demonstration. Under the Motto *”From O-Platz to Kobane – women resisting united”* we meet at 12h at Oranienplatz.