Category: International Refugee Movement
La maison des réfugiés – Squatted school in Paris
Emus par la solidarité des habitants du 19ème et conscients que nous pouvons ne pas être bien vus par tous, nous décidons d’organiser une fête pour inviter les voisins à la rencontre des migrants, pour découvrir le lieu fermé depuis si longtemps, discuter, poser des questions, faire ses suggestions, et surtout se détendre avec…
Ferry for Freedom
(francais en bas: ) In the face of migration policies that hamper millions of people in the world to move freely and to seek asylum in Europe without risking to die in the Mediterranean, the Tunisian association formed by the families of the Tunisian missing migrants, La Terre pour Tous, , organizes on the 6th…
Press Statement Anti Frontex Days 2015 in Warsaw
On May 21st, the “International Day without Papers,” migrants, activists and supporters met in Warsaw to protest against the European border policy, and in particular its military wing, the so-called security agency FRONTEX, based in the Polish capital, during its 10th anniversary celebrations. The demonstration was part of the Anti Frontex Days where activists met…
Greetings from Anti Frontex Days Warsaw
Greetings from the Anti Frontex Days in Warsaw/Poland ! Today’s demonstration is organised by different international groups and activists. If you want to see in live pictures and demo of our protest actions here In Poland, see all here, start from 5 pm. Please check following pages for further information and the live stream:…
Political position from Migrant Coordination (Italy): 700 deaths for freedom in the Sicilian channel
Seeing the massacre in the Sicilian Channel, we migrants, on the front lines of the daily struggle against the government of mobility and movement, declare that in the war of borders we side with the women and men who seek freedom. Whatever the reason: escaping war, dictatorial regimes, persecution or simply the desire to change…
Mumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther Party spokesman, a supporter of the MOVE organization and an award-winning journalist known internationally as “the voice of the voiceless.” In Germany he was voted an honorary member of the journalists union IG Medien, now part of Ver.di, and has written on issues of racism from the 1992…
Aufruf zur Kundgebung „Push Back Frontex! Gegen eine neue Dimension des Sterbenlassens auf See " am 25. Februar um 08:30 Uhr vorm BCC am Alexanderplatz
*English version below Klaus Rösler, Direktor der Abteilung “Einsatzangelegenheiten -‐ Operations Division” von Frontex, wird am 25.02.2015 auf dem internationalen Polizeikongress in Berlin über europäische Grenzkontrollen und die Herausforderung Mittelmeer sprechen. Das nehmen wir zum Anlass um gegen die aggressive und menschenverachtete Politik zu demonstrieren, die Frontex im Namen der Europäischen Union im Mittelmeer durchsetzt.…
Demo against the dictatorship in Sudan
Hey krimineller Diktator! – Über 350 Demonstrant_innen haben am 14.02.2015 in Berlin gemeinsam mit den Refugees vom Weißekreuzplatz Hannover vor der sudanesischen Botschaft gegen die Zusammenarbeit der deutschen und der sudanesischen Regierung protestiert. Sudanes_innen und Unterstützer_innen aus ganz Niedersachsen waren dazu mit zwei voll besetzten Bussen angereist. Nachträgliche Auflagen der Polizei untersagten die Abschlusskundgebung…
STOP WAR ON MIGRANTS – International Conference of undocumented and migrants
From 5th – 8th february 2015 in Berlin – with delegations of CISPM from France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland, Holland, Germany, Greece and Tunisia Where: Centre francais, Müllerstraße 74, Berlin (metro-station U6 Rehberge, Wedding) Programm:
A call to all the ones affected by the War that Europeen Union leads against Migrants and Refugees at the External Borders as well as inside its political and social order.
(français ci-dessous – deutsch unten) On 6 of February 2014, more migrants were trying in collective action to overcome the border of the enclave of Ceuta (one of two borders of the European Union on African soil) across the sea. The Spanish Guardia Civil, fired on the swimming Migrants with rubber bullets and tear gas.…