Category: International Refugee Movement
Crowdfunding for International Refugee Conference
Crowdfunding for International Conference of Refugees & Migrants 26. – 28.2.2016, Hamburg/Germany, Kampnagel International Refugee Conference Hamburg Kampnagel 26. – 28.2.2016 fundraising clip from Margit Czenki on Vimeo. Initiator Lampedusa in Hamburg
Letter from a norwegian detention center to the ‘Minister of Migration and Integration’, Sylvi Listhaug
there’s a norwegian version further below! To the Minister of Migration and Integration, Sylvi Listhaug ( and to the Norwegian Directorate for Immigration’s Northern Region Office ( In copy: The Mayor of Sør-Varanger, Rune Rafaelsen ( The Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers ( The municipal newspaper Sør-Varanger Avis ( The Director of the UNHCR bureau…
International Conference on Migration, Irregularisation and Activism: Challenging Contemporary Border Regimes, Racism and Subordination
Call for Papers 15-16 of June 2016, Malmö, Sweden Deadline for abstracts extended to 15th of February! In the current era of increasing securitisation of border controls and restrictive asylum and migration politics, the journey to and within the EU is a life-threatening endeavour that has taken uncountable numbers of lives over the last…
The Carnival Al-Ladji’in- 20 March 2016
The Refugee Club Impulse is happy to announce our new project – the Carnival Al-Ladji’in! On the 20th of march, we will bring our political demands on the streets, to fight for our rights! We want to show our culture and we want to show the people who we really are- trough an artistic and…
WE WILL RISE – REFUGEE MOVEMENT at 2. BERLINER HERBSTSALON IN GORKI THEATRE WE WILL RISE – REFUGEE MOVEMENT Exhibition and Archive in Progress meets 2. BERLINER HERBSTSALON IN GORKI Kunst, Performance, Diskurs zum Thema Flucht und Migration Art, Performance, discourse to the topics flight and igration // Eröffnung / Opening 13. November 2015, 18 Uhr // 13. – 29. November 2015 // Ort / Location…
Mumia Abu-Jamal on Oury Jalloh in 2007
Death in Cell # 5 [Column written 03/04/07] © 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal A Sierra Leonean refugee named Oury Jalloh burned to death in Cell No. 5 in the city of Dessau, Germany. The Date: January 7, 2005. Police at the station have called it a simple case of suicide. His friends and fellows have raised serious…
“We don’t want food, we don’t want water, we don’t want humanitarian help, we want to cross the border by the land. We will cross or die here.” Since 5 days in Edirne, Turkey, around 3000 thousands migrants (mostly syrians but also aghanis, irakis and others) gathered, following a call started on a Facebook page (“Crossing no…
Open Letter to those who are governing Western countries (by Emmanuel Mbolela)
Francais en bas SUBJECT: CURRENT MIGRATORY CRISIS. Dear governors of the western world, In front of the chaotic and dramatic situation of the Syrian refugees which we bear witness to today, which adds up to many more, in particular those refugees fleeing African countries, and in front of which you have kept remarkably silent…