Category: International Refugee Movement
March for Freedom accused of armed rebellion in Luxembourg
Struggles are continuously taking place everywhere, people are fighting for their rights all over the globe, but our memory has an overflow of information, it tends to archive past struggles and move to the next. But we are also aware that all our struggles are connected, rights are being removed everywhere, capitalism is a predator,…
2nd transnational refugee tour in London
Freedom of Movement tour London flyer Migrant-led activist group from Oranienplatz in Berlin are now touring the world, or at least some of it. Here to connect the movement across borders, the first stop is London! Gain and share insights and experiences during these events. Where are these places? LARC (London Action Resource Centre): 62…
Demonstration “Free the Röszke 11 – Solidarity with Ahmad and all of the accused
Friday, October 28 // 7:00 PM / 19.00 o´clock Unter den Linden 76 (close to the Hungarian embassy) // Berlin After the hungarian government closed their borders to migrants in September ’15 people started a protest at the border crossing Roeszke which got trapped by police. They caught 11 persons who couldn’t come away fast…
Refugees occupy Sendlinger Tor Platz – Munich
Since Wednesday refugees have been occupying the Sendlinger Tor Platz in Munich and protest for the right to stay/ Bleiberecht. This is their statement from yesterday: “We Are One During the day we counted 98 refugees! That means that 98 people without permission to stay (Bleiberecht) decided to be here despite racist insults and step…
Voices from Idomeni (Movie)
We put together our talks with people who were stucked behind the border in Idomeni. In the summer 2016 there were more than 10000 people stucked behind the border as the Greek government closed the border under the pressure of Germany. People occupied the rail way protesting for opening of borders. They have got attacked…
This was my home: Statement from the solidarity squat Ορφανοτροφείο
Please help us spread the statement of people from the solidarity squat Ορφανοτροφείο in regards to the eviction of our squat in Thessaloniki last week. Police raided and evicted the house in the early hours of Wednesday arrested the people and afterwards transported all non-European comrades to a military camp 45 minutes outside of the…
The second issue of >Daily Resistance< is out!
Dear people from all over the world, this is the second issue of the newspaper >Daily Resistance< (Read it as a PDF)! It is written by people in the same position like you as so-called refugees who don’t accept their disfranchisement by the German state. They write about their fight and share their opinions to…
Anti Frontex Days 21-23 May 2016
This year more than ever, we need your support to say NO to the European Union’s migration policies and criminal activities of its border control agency, Frontex. Closing borders and cutting the wealthy Europe off from the countries of South and East – plundered and kept in poverty – aims at preserving inequalities on both…
Impression of the Situation in Greece Interview with Napuli Paul, activist from the refugee movement in Berlin and Germany
You have been for six or five days in Greece and you also went to tthe border in Idomeni what were your impressions there? First of all it was good that we are here and to see the situation. And the situation was really hard. You can not take it, you know. first of all…