Category: German Wide Movement
Break Deportation Arena and Campaign to Break the deportation Culture
Upcoming events with The VOICE Refugee Forum: Hello All, Your are invited to join us in building “Break Deportation Arena and Campaign to Break the deportation Culture” in Germany There will be open meetings of Break Deportation – Refugee Community to discuss the upcoming events in Thueringen. Starting tomorrow, on Saturday, 26.11.16 in Jena at…
Nürnberg, 19.10.16, 19 Uhr – Demonstration am Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF)
Protestmarsch für Bleiberecht und gegen Abschiebungen erreicht am Mittwoch, 19.10.16 Nürnberg / Demonstration am Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) 19:00 Uhr Am Mittwoch, 19.10.16 erreicht der Protestmarsch von Refugee Struggle for Freedom Nürnberg. Im Anschluss an das Protest-Camp in München (07.09 – 08.10.2016) starteten ca. 100 geflüchtete Aktivist*innen zu Fuß von München zum Hauptsitz…
At the right time against the deep-rooted racism in state, politics and society Rassismus in Staat, Politik und Gesellschaft
17th October 2016, Parsberg – Neumarkt 10th Day Protest March We as a politically self-organized group of Non-Citizens left for Nuremberg on the 8th of October. This is the protest march of Non-Citizens in 2016. Our protest march is the struggle of the voiceless and excluded, who don’t want to continue living like this. We…
Fotos&Videos Protest March in Regensburg
Fünf Grenzen 15ter Oktober 2016, Hemau 7ter Tag Protest Marsch Heute sind wir also auf dem Weg nach Nürnberg. Wir haben gerade fünf Städte durchquert. Es ist, wie wenn wir fünf Grenzen überschritten hätten, eine nach der anderen. Vom Leiden bis hin zur Leichtigkeit haben uns die einen bequem empfangen, andere wiederum wollen nicht einmal…
Protest March Solidarity from URRM KARLSRUHE! Demonstration on the 15th Saturday before proceeding to Nuremberg
by The VOICE Refugee Forum Please post your solidarity statements to the refugee protest march in Bavaria. The refugee communities will be pleased to read your support in this forum. Protest March Solidarity from URRM KARLSRUHE! “We are on it with the KARLSRUHE REFUGEES COMMUNITY starting our demonstration on the 15th Saturday here in karlsruhe…
Presseerklärung von The VOICE Refugee Forum: In Solidarität mit dem Protestmarsch von München nach Nürnberg 2016
Presseerklärung von The VOICE Refugee Forum In Solidarität mit dem Protestmarsch von München nach Nürnberg 2016: AktivistInnen von The VOICE Refugee Forum (Network) schließen sich am 11.Oktober in Landhut an Am 8. Oktober hat in München der Protestmarsch der Gruppe „Refugee Struggle for Freedom“ begonnen, der am 21. Oktober in Nürnberg enden wird. Ziel des…
15 Refugee activists from The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria joined the start of the protest march from Munich to Nuremberg
We, 15 Refugees from The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria joined the start of the protest march from Munich with refugee residents from Dingolfing city , Passau city , Moosburg city and Gottfriedingerschwaige village , Loihcing village , Landau village . The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria: In solidarity with protest march from Munich to Nuremberg in…
Protest March Munich to Nuremberg
8th of October 2016, Munich 33th day at Sendlinger Tor 1st day on Protest March We need your financial support for our protest march from Munich to Nürnberg – read more about it on our web page: Spendenkonto: Account name: Refugee Struggle for Freedom BIC: GENODEM1GLS IBAN: DE 97 4306 0967 8229 1322 00…
Refugees occupy Sendlinger Tor Platz – Munich
Since Wednesday refugees have been occupying the Sendlinger Tor Platz in Munich and protest for the right to stay/ Bleiberecht. This is their statement from yesterday: “We Are One During the day we counted 98 refugees! That means that 98 people without permission to stay (Bleiberecht) decided to be here despite racist insults and step…
Veranstaltung über den Fall Oury Jalloh am Freitag den 9.9.und am 11.09. in Berlin +++ event about the case Oury Jalloh on friday 9th of sept. and sunday 11th of sept. in Berlin
in english further below Oury Jalloh – Das war Mord – Burnt in a police cell in Dessau, Germany Oury Jalloh starb im Januar 2005 in einer Polizeizelle in Dessau, er verbrannte. Die Polizei behauptet, er hätte sich selbst angezündet, an Händen und Füßen gefesselt auf einer feuerfesten Matratze. Die Initiative in Gedenken an…