Category: CISPM
Die SCHWARZE COMMUNITY IN DEUTSCHLAND lädt alle Schwarzen Organisationen, Gruppen, Initiativen und Einzelpersonen und ihre FreundInnen und UnterstützerInnen zu einer bundesweiten Demonstration vor der libyschen Botschaft in Berlin ein, um das sofortige Ende der Versklavung, des Verkaufs, der Vergewaltigungen und Tötungen von Schwarzen Menschen in Libyen zu fordern. Datum und Uhrzeit: Samstag, 25. November, 13:00-15:00…
Bericht vom 31. Januar: Demo in Berlin vor der Botschaft von Mali // Rapport du 31 Janvier: Manif à l’ambassade malienne à Berlin
Deutsch *Un signal fort envers les autorités du Mali contre les expulsions, la signature de laisser-passer et les accords de réadmission* follow on facebook Le 31 Janvier 2017, malgré des températures froides, une foule de plus de 100 gens s’est rassemblé devant l’ambassade malienne à Berlin. On y rencontrait des activistes de la diaspora…
Lomnava events with No Stress Tour in lagers
During the summer 2016, from june to september Lomnava band have been doing No stress tour in several lagers in and outside Berlin. We visited people and organised different events, like Workshop for kids, concerts, football and volleyball matches…In Spandau, Storkowerstr., Lichtenberg people responded in a positive way, they show big enthusiasm and they were…
No Stress Tour – New Programme
“The first No-Stress-Tour” – francais en bas, deutsc weiter unten Summer is the time when lots of things are happening in Germany, also in and around Berlin. People profit of the sun, they become more active and open up. This offers opportunities, particular for refugees, to think of new strategies to build up a better…
International conference of refugees & migrants 26. – 28.2.2016 Hamburg/Germany, Kampnagel
Dari / Farsi / engl / fr / ger
Greetings from Anti Frontex Days Warsaw
Greetings from the Anti Frontex Days in Warsaw/Poland ! Today’s demonstration is organised by different international groups and activists. If you want to see in live pictures and demo of our protest actions here In Poland, see all here, start from 5 pm. Please check following pages for further information and the live stream:…
Semaine d’action contre les politiques migratoires européennes //// Week of action against european migratory policies- Press release
english below…. ……………………………. Communiqué de presse – 19 mai 2015 Semaine d’action contre les politiques migratoires européennes Week of action against european migratory policies « Pour la justice sociale et la liberté de circulation et d’installation pour toutes et tous » « For Social justice and freedom of circulation and settlement for all » La Coalition Internationale des sans-papiers,…
(ILL)LEGAL: A solidarity performance event for and with people in danger of deportation, 18-19 april
(ILL)LEGAL is a mini-festival created as a platform to give the refugee community, an undeniable part of the social makeup of Berlin, a chance to tell their own story in their own voice. Two performance dates! Saturday April 18 at 19:00 Sunday April 19 at 17:00