Break Deportation Arena and Campaign to Break the deportation Culture

the-voice-refugee-forumUpcoming events with The VOICE Refugee Forum:

Hello All,

Your are invited to join us in building “Break Deportation Arena and Campaign to Break the deportation Culture” in Germany

There will be open meetings of Break Deportation – Refugee Community to discuss the upcoming events in Thueringen.

Starting tomorrow, on Saturday, 26.11.16 in Jena at 3pm. “Break Deportation – Refugee community monthly Meeting” – There will be a meeting of refugees from Jena, Erfurt and Chemnitz to organize politically against the deportation of Haliti family. To discuss the solidarity call and refugee mobilization program for “Roma – Black Box Solidarity – Power by Break Deportation – Refugee community network” with political and light cultural events on the 17.12.16 in Erfurt.

08.12.16. at 6pm in Jena: 1st open preparatory meeting for Break Deportation Solidarity Action on the 28th of January 2017 in Jena.

17.12.16 in Erfurt: “Roma – Black Box Solidarity” – Power by Break Deportation – Refugee community network with political and light cultural program on the 17.12.16 in Erfurt.

09.12.16 at 6pm in Jena: Meeting of break deportation activists with the activists of refugee struggle for freedom and their supporters from Leipzig

16-18.12.2016 is a proposed meeting of refugee-migrants community meeting in Jena.

Oury Jalloh Remembrance, a refugee from Siberia-Leone/ Genuine Conakry in West Africa was murdered 2005 in Police cell No. 5 Dessau
07.01.2017: Refugee community mobilization to Dessau: Our community is our defence – Oury Jalloh Remenbrance is a struggle for our protection
in Germany.

28.01.2017: Reclaim the city of Jena – Break Deportation Solidarity Action in Jena. (Break the culture of deportation and Lets celebrate our struggles.) End of March in Erfurt.

Your are invited to join us in building “Break Deportation Arena and Campaign to Break the deportation Culture” in Germany

For more information, please contact:

Please Donation // Bitte Spende:
The VOICE Refugee Forum is an independent community network of refugee political activists who are fighting for the respect of our human rights in equality, freedom and human dignity:

Deportation is criminal! We Fight to stop it!!

We unite against Deportation and Social Exclusion to break the isolation culture of lager control of refugees and by detention or imprisonment, by racism and discrimination in  Germany.
We stand for organized refugee grass root resistance and campaigns against the oppression and the repression of the refugee communities, including the fight against colonial injustice in Germany and Europe

For the basic existence of life, in human dignity and For Freedom of Movement

Donation for refugee community campaign to end the deportation and social exclusion in Germany

The VOICE Refugee Forum ist ein unabhängiges Community-Netzwerk von politischen Flüchtlingsaktivist_innen, die für die Wahrung ihrer Menschenrechte in Gleichheit und Freiheit sowie für ihre Menschenwürde kämpfen:

Abschiebungen sind Verbrechen! Wir kämpfen, um diese Praxis zu beenden!

Wir stehen vereint gegen Abschiebung und soziale Ausgrenzung, um die Kultur der Isolation, des Rassismus und der Diskriminierung durch die Kontrolle von Flüchtlingen in Lagern, durch Abschiebungen und Inhaftierungen in Deutschland zu durchbrechen.

Wir stehen für organisierten Graswurzel-Widerstand und Kampagnen gegen die Unterdrückung unserer Flüchtlingsgemeinschaften und für den Kampf gegen die koloniale Ungerechtigkeit in Deutschland und Europa
Für ein Leben in Menschenwürde, für Bewegungsfreiheit

Spenden für die Kampagnen der Flüchtlingscommunity zur Beendigung von Abschiebungen und sozialer Ausgrenzung

Thank you all!
In solidarity,
The VOICE Refugee Forum

Donation Account:
Förderverein The VOICE e.V.
Sparkasse Göttingen
Kontonummer: 127829
BLZ: 260 500 01
IBAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29

Reward 2015: The VOICE Refugee Forum – The refugee political resources
Belohnung 2015: The VOICE Refugee Forum – Die politischen Ressourcen der
Flüchtlinge in Deutschland