Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study!

  • «We will rise» Refugee movement – Exhibition and Archive in Progress

    AusstellungseröffnungRefugee movement – Exhibition and Archive in Progresshttp://bit.ly/1OufAM8Leben, arbeiten, bleiben. Willkommen in Berlin! Zehn Tage Experimentierfeld für Begegnungen und Bewegungen. Berlin, 16. bis 25.7.2015http://bit.ly/1VoXGiF Visit the Movement’s exhibition and stop by our box, where we tell the history of the International Women Space, from when it was created…

  • More space for women in the new edition of the Movement Magazine

    We are celebrating the new issue of the Movement Magazine. The content now includes more pages with our work, such as our political speeches and testimonials of refugee women, which are part of our soon to be published Broschüre. On the new issue there are also more women writing…

  • Refugee Exile Media (REM TV) first program will soon be aired on Alex TV

    On the 8 of July activists from different political groups of the Refugee Movement as well as political individuals got together to produce our first TV talk show in a studio of Alex TV in Berlin. The program guests spoke about distinct aspects of the struggle such as…

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    Oplatz: Open letter to district and senate

    Today the Senate of Berlin and the District Council Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg ordered the removal of the info-point container at Oranienplatz. But be aware: YOU CANNOT EVICT A MOVEMENT! Open letter to the Berlin Senate and Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg District Council (francais en bas – deutsch unten) Date 13.07.2015 As…

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    Ferry for Freedom

    (francais en bas: ) In the face of migration policies that hamper millions of people in the world to move freely and to seek asylum in Europe without risking to die in the Mediterranean, the Tunisian association formed by the families of the Tunisian missing migrants, La Terre…

  • VIDEO: Merkel drives young refugee girl to tears

    Chancellor Angela Merkel is on a TV program where she discusses with school kids the topic, “Gut leben in Deutschland” (good living in Germany). A palastinean girl describes in perfect german her personal situation as a refugee in Germany, with no clear status, perspective and fear of deportation. Merkel then goes…

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    6.7 – Cultural evening, Political discussion and party by ARU

    Cultural evening with drum performance, solidarity barbecue, T-shirts and more Political discussion and party Dear friends and enemies, we invite you to our evening due to take place on the above mentioned date at Jockel Garten, Ratiborstr. The evening is designed for refugee existing groups and other solidarity…

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    exhibition / exposition / Ausstellung – 16.7. – 25.7.

    Open every day 9am – 9pm / ouvert chaque jour 9 – 21 heures / Öffungszeiten jeden Tag 9-21 Uhr for free – Eintritt frei- gratuit WE WILL RISE كُلّه ما تَمامْ Exhibition and Archive in Progress / Ausstellung und Archiv im Prozess / Exposition et archives en…

  • Crowdfunding campaign for “Festival against racism 2015”

    Supportet Festival gegen Rassismus und macht mit bei Crowdfunding Kampagne! Es wird Geld benötigt für unglaublich wichtige und tolle Dinge wie: ++ Druckkosten ++ Zelte ++ Toilettenwagen ++ Fahrtkosten ++ Veranstaltungstechnik ++ Bühne ++ Benzin ++ Müllcontainer