Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study!

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    the message: from and for lovers

    the following is a direct translation: u know there is no wrong if we all write in the language of love. we are one.          

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    CfP: States of Exceptions: The Politics of Sacrifice: Martyrs and Migrants

    Workshop: The University of Manchester, December 10th–11th, 2015 The workshop will be held at the University of Manchester, December 10 and 11, 2015. The following topics will be covered The Mediterranean Migrants Crisis: Critical Analyses Political Theologies of Martyrdom Writing a Vacuum: Ethnographies of Migration Phenomenology of Martyrdom: Sacrifice, Suicide,…

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    Locked Up & and Neglected After Fleeing Danger, Immigrant Women Detainees Launch Hunger Strike in Texas, NOVEMBER 06, 2015

    Below is a link to the Democracy Now piece about the women’s hunger strike in USA refugee detention prisons. The link has the video and also the transcript of that portion of the show which aired on 6.11.2015 http://www.democracynow.org/2015/11/6/locked_up_neglected_after_fleeing_danger Last week, 27 immigrant women detained at the for-profit T.…

  • ‘No-mans land’

    In the last week(s) there has been an establishment of the ‘official corridor’ through the so called Balkan route. This intergovernmental agreement’s aim is to control the flow of people who are fleeing for a better life in Europe. Even though it may sound as an improvement, for…

  • UNFRAMED FESTIVAL in Berlin: 14-15. November 2015

    UNFRAMED FESTIVAL IN BERLIN-NEUKÖLLN 14-15th november 2015 FROM HUMANS TO HUMANITY / ALL EVENTS ARE FREE AND THE DOORS ARE OPEN TO ALL Donations for the artists are welcome. من البشر إلى البشرية اجمع / الدعوة لكل الفعاليات مجانا والأبواب مفتوحة للجميع نرحب بالتبرعات للفنانين Full festival program…

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    Art and Geopolitical Borders, Contested sovereignty and art practice Friday 20 November, 2015

    Symposium in Manchester: Art and Geopolitical Borders, MMU, 20/11/2015 In recent years there has been a growth in interest in the ways that art practice can both acknowledge and articulate the issues around geopolitical borders. This has become significantly more pressing in the light of developments during the…

  • Living Space for refugees in Lichtenberg 6th of November 2015

    6.11. Fachtag – Wohnraum fuer Geflüchtete in Lichtenberg 14 – 20 Uhr Schottstraße 6 Geflüchtete Menschen haben einen Anspruch auf Wohnraum. Trotzdem leben viele Menschen nach wie vor sowohl in Erstaufnahmeeinrichten als auch in Gemeinschaftsunterkünften. Nur die wenigsten erhalten eine eigene Wohnung. Diese Situation wird sich sicher durch…

  • Dobova lager (Croatian-Slovenian border)

    [wpvideo PfLVMCzj] This video was taken in Dobova (Slovenia) a few days ago. This is not just a sole example of the mistreatment of the incoming people. The situations in camps change through days – sometimes they are empty and next day filled with new people arriving from…

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    About the refugee movement in Kreuzberg/Berlin Napuli Langa

      Napuli Langa–refugee-movement-kreuzberg-berlin (pdf file).   In this essay well known refugee activist Napuli Langa traces the recent history of the refugee movement in Berlin and shares some of her perspective about refugee protests. Read on….   Movements Journal für kritische migrations-und Grenzregimeforschung, 2015