Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study!

  • “Let them die, this is a good deterrence”

    GENEVA (30 October 2014) – Allowing people to die at Europe’s borders just because of their administrative status is a complete disregard for the value of human life, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, said today urging the British authorities to…

  • Worldwide Refugees Movement

    Dear friends, we found a new group at O-platz, the Worldwide Refugees Movement. Please check our BLOG for more information: worldwiderefugeesmovement.wordpress.com http://www.facebook.com/worldwiderefugeesmovement If you share our needs, demands and goals, join us! We need your support. Don’t leave your other peer and working groups, but let us create…

  • call for action

    *********************************************************************************************************************************** english version below, francais ci-dessus Liebe Leute, es ist wieder soweit! In der Ohlauer geht es in die 2te Runde! Wie ihr bestimmt schon mitbekommen habt, wurden in den vergangen Wochen hunderte der Refugees vom O-Platz Abkommen auf die Straße gesetzt. Nun, 4 Monate nach dem letzten…

  • BERLİN’DE 200 MÜLTECİ SOKAĞA ATILDI – 200 Flüchtlinge in Berlin auf die Straße gesetzt

    – auf deutsch weiter unten – – in english further below – BERLİN’DE 200 MÜLTECİ SOKAĞA ATILDI Son birkaç gündür, daha önce senatonun “Oranienplatz’daki direniş çadırlarını yıkın, size kalacak yer vereceğiz daha sonra da oturum vereceğiz” yazılı sahte vaatlerin yazılı olduğu kağıdı imzalayen mültecilerin tamamı polis zoruyla sokağa…

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    "Kerstin Breinig" journalist of RBB making propaganda about "Gerhart Hauptmann Schule"

    At 14.10.2014 there was a conflict between District, Police and School which led to illegal entrance of more than hundred police forces into the school. “Kerstin Breinig” from RBB and ARD made a big propaganda out of it. Here we get deeper into the issue. A team of…

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    Keine weiteren illegalen Rückschiebungen!

    https://vimeo.com/109091397 english below: !Keine weiteren illegalen Rückschiebungen!!! !!Stoppt die Gewalt an den Grenzen!!

  • Eilmeldung aus der GHS

  • 03.11.2014, 16:30, Petitions for Justin and Ali Mohammed, Innenministerium

    Monday 16.30 clock we have a date for transferring the petitions for Justin and Ali Mohamed (school) against deportation and jail as well as medical assistance. From 16 clock a rally in solidarity with all refugees and their demands is logged on to point out the situation in Berlin…

  • Social Center building by refugees, support and neighbours

    1. refugees connective line: Support and neighbours and the refugees The ohlauer refugee family sending a new call to supporters and neighbours – kreuzberg-family: The refugee family want to build a new connective line between refugees, support and neighbours to create the international refugee center in ohlauer strasse.