Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study! Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study!

  • Shame on YOU! ‪#‎WhereIsEurope‬

    il peso del silenzio dell’Europa The weight of the silence of europe Das Gewicht der Stille Europas Von anfang 2015 bis jetzt Sind Mehr als 1600 Menschen in Mittelmeer ums Leben gekommen! R.I.P Shame on YOU! ‪#‎WhereIsEurope‬

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    Bus Tour 2015 Schedule

    The Schedule for the next days, you are invited to join: Le programme pour les prochaines journees pour le tour de bus. Vous etes invitees a nous joindre: Contact: bustour@riseup.net / 015214451277 20.04. Rostock 21.04. Kiel 22.04. Bremen 23.04. Oldenburg

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    First Bustour-Stop in Hamburg

    On the first stop we met with “Lampedusa in Hamburg” and other self-organized refugee activists, anti-fascist and anti-racist groups. More than 100 people attended the discussion. At first a short movie from the last bus tour was shown, then different initiatives introduced themselves. We presented our experiences from…

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    Wir haben uns in der ersten Station mit Lampedusa in Hamburg und anderen selbstorganisierten Refugee-Aktivist_innen, antifaschistischen und antirassistischen Gruppen getroffen. Über 100 Menschen haben diese Diskussion besucht. Als erstes wurde ein kurzer Film von der letzten Bustour gezeigt und dann haben sich die verschiedenen Initiativen vorgestellt. Wir haben…

  • Alarm Phone Press Release: The EU kills Refugees, Ferries not Frontex!

    Press Release, 19.4.2015 Last night at least 650 people drowned about 73 nautical miles north of the Libyan coast when seeking to reach Italy. They were on board of a 30 meter long boat that capsized when the container vessel King Jacob approached them for assistance. There were…

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    Bustour 2015

    OTOBÜS TURU 2015 BAŞLADI Daha önde duyurduğumuz üzere, Almanya çapındaki mülteci kamplarını ve diğer direniş gruplarını ziyaret etmek amacıyla yeniden bir otobüs turu eylemini başlattık. Oranienplatz’dan start alan araçlarımızla şu anda Hamburg şehrine doğru ilerlemekteyiz. Bu sabah, Oranienplatz’da otobüs turu eylemi başlamadan önceki son toplantımızı gerçekleştirdik. Herkes son…

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    Anti Frontex Days 19-22 may, 2015

    On May, 21st, 2015 the crème de la crème of European racism will gather in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the creation of one of the most influential meta-organisations that guards assets of the Fortress Europe. The organization, not widely known, until recently standing in…

  • Today, Next meeting for future of #ohlauer school, 3pm bethanien

    On sunday 19th of april we will continue our open meeting about how to continue with the school in ohlauer. we will further our discussions on how to keep the building as a international refugee center/projecthouse.. come and join the process if you or your group is interested…

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    Wir starten die bustour heute um 11 Uhr am Oranienplatz.